Noninvasive, wireless thermal sensors for the quantitative monitoring of ventricular shunt function in patients with hydrocephalusAward last edited on: 2/19/2024
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NINDSTotal Award Amount
$4,059,842Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
853Principal Investigator
Anna Lisa SomeraCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: N/AStart Date: 9/15/2021 Completed: 8/31/2022
Phase I year
2021Phase I Amount
$1Phase II
Contract Number: 1U44NS121555-01Start Date: 9/15/2021 Completed: 8/31/2022
Phase II year
2021(last award dollars: 2023)
Phase II Amount
$4,059,841Public Health Relevance Statement:
Narrative Hydrocephalus is a common and costly condition caused by the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the brain, occurring in 1-5 of every 1,000 live births, is usually treated with ventricular shunts which, unfortunately have extremely high failure rates due to a diverse set of factors including occlusion, mispositioning, or kinking. Consequently, physicians rely on a complicated, expensive, and often inconclusive suite of tests, including those that expose patients to significant radiation, to make clinical decisions. A precise, rapid, noninvasive way to quantitatively monitor shunt function represents a critical unmet need.
Project Terms:
Abdomen; Abdominal; Adult; 21+ years old; Adult Human; adulthood; Affect; Algorithms; Animals; Brain; Brain Nervous System; Encephalon; Cerebrospinal Fluid; cerebral spinal fluid; spinal fluid; Cerebrospinal fluid shunts procedure; CSF shunt; Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunts; Child; 0-11 years old; Child Youth; Children (0-21); youngster; Clinical Research; Clinical Study; Coma; Comatose; Cessation of life; Death; Diagnosis; Electronics; electronic device; Exhibits; Freezing; Goals; Gold; Head; Headache; Cephalalgia; Cephalgia; Cephalodynia; Cranial Pain; Head Pain; head ache; Human; Modern Man; Hydrocephalus; Hydrocephaly; hydrocephalic; Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus; Hakim Syndrome; NPH; Ice; Laboratories; Lethargies; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; MR Imaging; MR Tomography; MRI; Medical Imaging, Magnetic Resonance / Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; NMR Imaging; NMR Tomography; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Zeugmatography; Marketing; nervous system disorder; Nervous System Diseases; Neurologic Disorders; Neurological Disorders; neurological disease; Obstruction; Pain; Painful; Patients; Peer Review; Physicians; Pilot Projects; pilot study; Program Development; Publishing; Radioisotopes; Radioactive Isotopes; Radionuclides; Research Personnel; Investigators; Researchers; Risk; Seizures; Computer software; Software; Specificity; Technology; Temperature; Testing; Time; X-Ray Computed Tomography; CAT scan; CT X Ray; CT Xray; CT imaging; CT scan; Computed Tomography; Tomodensitometry; X-Ray CAT Scan; X-Ray Computerized Tomography; Xray CAT scan; Xray Computed Tomography; Xray computerized tomography; catscan; computed axial tomography; computer tomography; computerized axial tomography; computerized tomography; Translating; United States; Universities; Washington; Work; Measures; Catheters; Device Designs; Device Safety; Journals; Magazine; base; sensor; Distal; Site; Clinical; repaired; repair; Phase; Failure; Childhood; pediatric; Measurement; Functional disorder; Dysfunction; Physiopathology; pathophysiology; academic review; fluid; liquid; Liquid substance; Contracting Opportunities; Contracts; Community Physician; tool; Diagnostic; Nature; programs; mechanical; Mechanics; Techniques; System; Live Birth; Neurological Surgery; Neurosurgical Procedures; Shunt; shunts; Shunt Device; Operative Procedures; Surgical; Surgical Interventions; Surgical Procedure; surgery; Operative Surgical Procedures; interest; Medical center; Performance; cerebrospinal fluid flow; Animal Models and Related Studies; model of animal; model organism; Animal Model; novel; model-based simulation; models and simulation; ventricular system; Devices; Manpower; personnel; Human Resources; Abscission; Extirpation; Removal; Surgical Removal; resection; Excision; Radiation; Sampling; develop software; developing computer software; software development; Skin; Thickness; Thick; Address; Symptoms; Data; research clinical testing; Clinical Evaluation; Clinical Testing; clinical test; Validation; Wireless Technology; wireless; Monitor; Tracer; Ventricular; Development; developmental; Image; imaging; cost; design; designing; Implant; implantation; scientific computing; standard of care; product development; point-of-care diagnostics; clinical decision-making; Institutional Review Boards; IRB; IRBs; flexible electronics; flex circuit; Radiation exposure; clinical diagnostics; recruit; real time monitoring; realtime monitoring; infection risk; Computer Models; Computerized Models; computational modeling; computational models; computer based models; computerized modeling; algorithm development; cost estimate; cost estimation; porcine model; pig model; piglet model; swine model