Preclinical drug discovery research for Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is hampered by the lack of sufficient preclinicalmodels. Although several drugs have shown promise in animal models to some extent, many human clinicaltrials of therapies for AD have failed. Therefore in vitro models using human-derived cell lines or patient-derivedgenetically-manipulated human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) that overexpress the different isoforms ofβ-amyloid have shown interest. These hiPSCs with the acquisition of full cellular functionality, microenvironmentmechanostructural cues and mimicking vascular defects observed in patients with AD are in development.Further, blood-brain-barrier (BBB) integrity that prevents neurotoxins from entering the brain and bidirectionalmolecular communications between the central nervous system and the enteric nervous system, are critical forAD therapeutic strategy in the laboratory models. These models with 3D perfused engineered micro-sized organsystems can help costly and risky drug testing with quantitative and mechanistic data. However, high throughputportable passive system that can connect multiple organs and provide quantitative pharmacokinetics data, is stillto be realized. Therefore, Biopico Systems Inc teams with UC Irvine to propose a Humanized Organ PlateParadigm (HOPP) for high throughput Alzheimer's disease therapeutics that can accurately and reproduciblymimic the AD phenotype in vivo and be amenable to high-content screening and assay applications. With thepreliminary results from the patent-pending organ platform and measurement instrumentation, Biopico will utilizeexisting drugs that have failed in clinical trials and given positive indications to perform proof-of-concept of ourplatform. The Phase I research aims are to: (i) Develop functional blood-brain-barrier in vitro pharmacologicalHOPP system in high throughput format, (ii) Integrate multi-organs for morphological, functional, geneexpression & metabolic markers metrics and (iii) Validate HOPP system using pharmacokinetic modeling and invitro to in vivo extrapolation. The successful completion of these aims will provide a strong foundation fordeveloping a commercial organ system in Phase II to customers developing therapeutic agents for AD. Biopico'svision is to commercialize the largescale application of the screening assay to accelerate the process of findinga disease-modifying therapy. Narrative We will develop the multi-organ high throughput PK/PD screening in humanized in vitro drug testing for AD. The development of this high throughput body-on-a-chip platform with patient-specific stem cells and immune cells is a powerful new approach to advance AD therapeutics. Thus the gut-liver-kidney-brain platform will enable the development of in vitro clinical trials for drug discovery and drug efficacy and validate therapeutic targets. absorption ; Albumins ; Alzheimer's Disease ; AD dementia ; Alzheimer ; Alzheimer Type Dementia ; Alzheimer disease ; Alzheimer sclerosis ; Alzheimer syndrome ; Alzheimer's ; Alzheimer's disease dementia ; Alzheimers Dementia ; Alzheimers disease ; Primary Senile Degenerative Dementia ; dementia of the Alzheimer type ; primary degenerative dementia ; senile dementia of the Alzheimer type ; Astrocytes ; Astrocytus ; Astroglia ; astrocytic glia ; Behavior ; Biological Assay ; Assay ; Bioassay ; Biologic Assays ; Biological Availability ; Bioavailability ; Biologic Availability ; Physiologic Availability ; Biological Sciences ; Biologic Sciences ; Bioscience ; Life Sciences ; Blood Vessels ; vascular ; Blood - brain barrier anatomy ; Blood-Brain Barrier ; Hemato-Encephalic Barrier ; bloodbrain barrier ; Brain ; Brain Nervous System ; Encephalon ; Malignant Neoplasms ; Cancers ; Malignant Tumor ; malignancy ; neoplasm/cancer ; Cause of Death ; Cell Line ; CellLine ; Strains Cell Lines ; cultured cell line ; Cell physiology ; Cell Function ; Cell Process ; Cellular Function ; Cellular Physiology ; Cellular Process ; Subcellular Process ; Cells ; Cell Body ; Clinical Trials ; Collagen ; Communication ; Cues ; Disease ; Disorder ; Pharmaceutical Preparations ; Drugs ; Medication ; Pharmaceutic Preparations ; drug/agent ; Electrodes ; Endothelium ; Vascular Endothelium ; Engineering ; Foundations ; Gel ; Gene Expression ; Gene Expression Regulation ; Gene Action Regulation ; Gene Regulation ; Gene Regulation Process ; Glucose ; D-Glucose ; Dextrose ; Goals ; Gold ; Human ; Modern Man ; In Vitro ; instrumentation ; Kidney ; Kidney Urinary System ; renal ; Proximal Kidney Tubules ; renal proximal tubule ; Laboratories ; Literature ; Liver ; hepatic body system ; hepatic organ system ; Metabolism ; Intermediary Metabolism ; Metabolic Processes ; Microelectrodes ; Miniaturized Electrodes ; Mutation ; Genetic Alteration ; Genetic Change ; Genetic defect ; genome mutation ; nervous system disorder ; Nervous System Diseases ; Neurologic Disorders ; Neurological Disorders ; neurological disease ; Neurons ; Nerve Cells ; Nerve Unit ; Neural Cell ; Neurocyte ; neuronal ; Neurotoxins ; neurotoxicant ; Legal patent ; Patents ; Patients ; Permeability ; Drug Kinetics ; Pharmacokinetics ; Pharmacology ; Physiology ; Research ; Safety ; Stains ; Staining method ; stem cells ; Progenitor Cells ; Time ; Tissues ; Body Tissues ; Translating ; Up-Regulation ; Upregulation ; Vision ; Sight ; visual function ; Amyloid beta-Protein ; Alzheimer beta-Protein ; Alzheimer's Amyloid beta-Protein ; Alzheimer's amyloid ; Amyloid Alzheimer's Dementia Amyloid Protein ; Amyloid Beta-Peptide ; Amyloid Protein A4 ; Amyloid β ; Amyloid β-Peptide ; Amyloid β-Protein ; Aβ ; a beta peptide ; abeta ; amyloid beta ; amyloid-b protein ; beta amyloid fibril ; soluble amyloid precursor protein ; Measures ; tau Proteins ; MT-bound tau ; microtubule bound tau ; microtubule-bound tau ; tau ; tau factor ; Ï Proteins ; Electrical Resistance ; Electric Resistance ; base ; genetic manipulation ; gene manipulation ; genetically manipulate ; genetically perturb ; Organ ; improved ; Clinical ; Phase ; Physiological ; Physiologic ; Enteric Nervous System ; Excretory function ; excretion ; intestinal epithelium ; Individual ; Tight Junctions ; Occluding Junctions ; Zonula Occludens ; Measurement ; Oxidative Stress ; calcein AM ; Force of Gravity ; Gravities ; Letters ; Therapeutic ; fluid ; liquid ; Liquid substance ; Therapeutic Agents ; Morphology ; Immunes ; Immune ; Oral ; Clinic ; System ; 3-D ; 3D ; three dimensional ; 3-Dimensional ; Organ System ; body system ; interest ; early detection ; Early Diagnosis ; Isoforms ; Protein Isoforms ; success ; drug efficacy ; Adventitial Cell ; Pericapillary Cell ; Perivascular Cell ; Rouget Cells ; Pericytes ; Animal Models and Related Studies ; model of animal ; model organism ; Animal Model ; Nephrotoxic ; kidney toxicity ; nephrotoxicity ; transgenic ; Transgenic Organisms ; Toxicities ; Toxic effect ; Structure ; novel ; Modeling ; response ; drug development ; High Throughput Assay ; high throughput screening ; portability ; neuropathology ; drug discovery ; CNS Nervous System ; Central Nervous System ; Neuraxis ; BACE ; BACE1 ; beta-secretase 1 ; beta-site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme 1 ; memapsin 2 ; β-secretase 1 ; β-site APP cleaving enzyme 1 ; beta-site APP cleaving enzyme 1 ; preventing ; prevent ; small molecule ; hepatic metabolism ; liver metabolism ; Address ; Dose ; Organ Size ; Defect ; Data ; Metabolic Marker ; Preclinical Models ; Pre-Clinical Model ; Reproducibility ; in vitro Model ; in vivo ; Clinical Data ; Therapy Clinical Trials ; Rodent Model ; Molecular ; Process ; Development ; developmental ; pre-clinical ; preclinical ; disease phenotype ; cost ; pharmacokinetic model ; neuroinflammation ; neuroinflammatory ; novel strategies ; new approaches ; novel approaches ; novel strategy ; Coupling ; drug testing ; drug detection ; novel therapeutics ; new drug treatments ; new drugs ; new therapeutics ; new therapy ; next generation therapeutics ; novel drug treatments ; novel drugs ; novel therapy ; Alzheimer's disease model ; AD model ; alzheimer model ; therapeutic target ; induced pluripotent stem cell ; iPS ; iPSC ; iPSCs ; prototype ; overexpression ; overexpress ; effective therapy ; effective treatment ; Biological Markers ; bio-markers ; biologic marker ; biomarker ; pharmacokinetic characteristic ; screening ; Drug Targeting ; brain endothelial cell ; brain microvascular endothelial cell ; brain vascular endothelial cell ; cerebral endothelial cell ; cerebral microvascular endothelial cell ; cerebral vascular endothelial cell ; human model ; model of human ; body on a chip ; body on chip ; physiologically based pharmacokinetics ; PBPK ; Visualization ; high-throughput drug screening ; Alzheimer's disease therapeutic ; Alzheimer's therapeutic ; Alzheimer's disease therapy ; Alzheimer's therapy ; Alzheimer's disease brain ; Alzheimer's brain ; intestinal barrier ; intestinal mucosal barrier ; nerve damage ; Alzheimer's disease diagnostic ; AD diagnostic ; Alzheimer's diagnostic ; Alzheimer's disease test ; Alzheimer Disease test ; Alzheimer test ; Alzheimer's test ; test for Alzheimer ;