Phase II Amount
Patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH) experience low oxygen saturation, shortness of breath, low qualityof life, and a short life span (<10 years) following diagnosis. These patients frequently present to emergencyrooms, and many are admitted to intensive care units (ICUs), straining the health care system. Despite therapywith phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, prostacyclin analogs, and endothelin antagonists, mortality remains highand quality of life poor. With no specific drug available for curative treatment, inhaled nitric oxide (iNO), apulmonary artery-specific vasodilator, is the best option for treating PH without compromising systemic bloodpressure. Current tank-based iNO delivery systems are expensive and available only in operating rooms andICUs of established medical centers in developed countries. The need is great for simpler, portable, and lessexpensive iNO technologies. During phase 1, a proof-of-concept prototype was developed in partnership withthe University of Alabama at Birmingham. All the proposed goals in phase 1 were met and the technology wasfurther advanced through several innovations. First, the NO generation method was modified from the originalproposal of producing sustained release NO from its precursor molecule to producing a stock bulk amount in asingle-step chemical reaction to synthesize medical grade NO in a sealed container on demand. This methodwill avoid the pitfalls of current NO generation approaches pursued by other companies in which nitrogen dioxide(NO2, a toxic gas) is converted to NO, or atmospheric air is oxidized to NO by high voltage electric sparks withsubsequent need for extensive purification steps. Second, it is proposed to mix this 100% NO directly withsupplemental oxygen to attain therapeutic doses while reducing co-delivery of NO2 to levels far below FDA safetylimits or diluting NO in inert nitrogen (N2) gas within the device prior to mixing with supplemental oxygen. Thesesystems avoid the need to dilute NO 1250-fold in N2 gas for storage in compressed cylinders and transport tohospitals, as is done with current systems. Third, an integrated gas sensor system for NO and NO2 measurementand electronic control systems for dispensing NO was developed. The assembled prototype is functioning welland as expected. Based on these encouraging results, iNOvodel, Inc. was formed to license, develop andcommercialize a full-scale product. In Aim 1, focus is centered on developing a fully functional hospital-basedand demonstrating feasibility for a portable iNO devices incorporating an optimized reusable NO-generatingcartridge. Aim 2 seeks to establish the chemical method for generating and storing NO in the cartridge to utilizeon-demand. Aim 3 is directed toward development of noninvasive and invasive interface systems that arecompatible with iNO devices for safe delivery of nitric oxide to patients. Further, the safety of the device to deliverNO using an in vitro benchtop NO delivery system that simulates the patient NO delivery system will be evaluatedfacilitating the pursuit of FDA regulatory approval.
Public Health Relevance Statement: PROJECT NARRATIVE
Inhaled nitric oxide ("iNO") has gained significant prominence in treating highly debilitating hypoxic
lung failure in newborns, pulmonary arterial hypertension and pulmonary hypertension associated
with pulmonary diseases. However, the market for iNO is limited due to the cost, complexity, and
safety of the dominant tank-based delivery systems. The goal of this investigation is to develop
a simpler, safer, compact, portable and more versatile means of generating and delivering iNO,
offering the promise of lower cost and better treatment for existing iNO therapy, and the potential
for a significant expansion of the patient population who can safely and effectively benefit from
iNO therapy.
Project Terms: <21+ years old>
<0-11 years old><0-4 weeks old>