Photochemical Generation of Gas Phase Nitric Oxide from Immobilized S-Nitrosothiols for Biomedical Applications
Award last edited on: 2/17/2024

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Glenn Martin

Company Information

Nota Laboratories LLC

600 South Wagner Road Suite 6
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
   (860) 227-2717
Location: Single
Congr. District: 06
County: Washtenaw

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R43HL149556-01
Start Date: 9/1/2019    Completed: 8/31/2021
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Nitric oxide (NO) plays a critical role in a wide range of bodily functions, including vasodilation, neurotransmission, wound healing, suppression of platelet activation, and modulation of ciliary beat frequency. In addition, it is a potent and endogenous antimicrobial/antiviral agent produced by macrophages and normally present at moderate levels (0.20-1.0 ppmv) within the upper airways/sinuses of healthy individuals to help prevent chronic upper airway infections. It has been found that significant suppression of NO levels occurs in patients suffering from chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), and difficult-to-treat lower respiratory infections associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cystic fibrosis (CF). Consequently, it has been shown that patients with respiratory maladies benefit greatly from inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) therapy. In addition, iNO at higher levels (10-50 ppmv) is routinely used in the hospital setting to treat newborns with pulmonary hypertension, adults with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and patients with of other respiratory infections such as pneumonia and tuberculosis. Further, it has been demonstrated that iNO therapy improves reperfusion of brain tissue after a stroke, promotes recovery in liver transplant patients, and prevents systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) (when added to the oxygenator sweep gas) in patients that undergo cardiopulmonary bypass surgery (CPB). Currently, the high cost ($3,000 per day) of iNO delivery systems, which rely on low NO concentrations in metal gas cylinders, restricts the use of gas phase NO both within and outside of the hospital setting. Given the wide diversity of applications and the need to deliver NO in various health care settings (in-patient/out-patient care) and at a much lower cost, there is a growing need for an inexpensive, portable and simple-to-use system to create gas phase NO on demand. Working in collaboration with researchers in the Department of Chemistry at the Univ. of Michigan, NOTA Laboratories proposes to develop such an iNO delivery system. NOTA's proposed product will consist of a single use reel-to-reel cartridge containing a roll (5-10 m) of S-nitrosothiol (RSNO), either S-nitroso-N-acetyl- penicillamine (SNAP) or S-nitroso-glutathione (GSNO), immobilized onto a polymer carrier. The roll of RSNO film will be housed within a light-resistant compartment and advanced through an illumination zone that is equipped with several light emitting diodes (LEDs) that produce wavelengths at which NO can be efficiently photo-released from the RSNO species (380-580 nm). The advancement of the film through the translucent light compartment will be achieved using a motor-driven pick-up wheel that is controlled through a feedback loop employing a NO electrochemical gas phase sensor situated in-line within the output air stream. A stream of humidified air will be pumped through the NO generating chamber, with the LEDs intensity being adjusted via the feedback loop to release NO into the air stream to provide target concentrations of NO (0.20-200 ppmv). The NO released will then pass out of the LANOR system into the patient's nose via cannula nasal tubes or a nasal mask. Phase I research will focus on the building a prototype device that can accommodate the reel-to- reel cartridge with an NO2 suppression filter as well as developing the roll of film containing the immobilized RSNO species. Finally, a demonstration of the prototype device's ability to deliver pure NO at levels between 1 and 200 ppmv for up to 1 week will be made through control of the film advancement and intensity of the illumination. Long-term storage stability studies will demonstrate that the immobilized RSNO film is stable under ambient heat and humidity conditions when stored in an aluminum foil pouch. It is anticipated that the proposed LANOR system will be able to deliver a broad range of therapeutic iNO levels for at least 1 week, depending upon the desired NO level and rate of air delivery.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
NARRATIVE Neonate pulmonary hypertension (NPH) and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) (associated with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery) in the hospital setting can be treated with inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) therapy or adding NO gas to the sweep gas of the oxygenator, respectively. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) together affect an estimated 15% of the US population and both diseases are associated with frequent respiratory tract infections. Cystic fibrosis (CF) affects ca. 30,000 patients in the U.S. but their risk for severe infection is greater because they have abnormally low levels of nitric oxide (NO), a potent endogenous antimicrobial/antiviral agent, within their airways. Through the research described in this application, NOTA Laboratories will develop an inexpensive and simple gas phase NO generation system based on photolysis of immobilized S-nitrosothiol species that can be used both in the hospital and at outpatient/in-home settings to treat these disorders by delivery of NO at levels between 1-200 ppmv for extended time periods (up to 7 d of use) at very low cost relative to using cylinders of NO gas.

Project Terms:
Adhesives; Adult; adulthood; Adult Human; 21+ years old; Affect; Air; Algorithms; Aluminum; Al element; Antiviral Agents; anti-virals; anti-viral drugs; anti-viral agents; Antivirals; Antiviral Drugs; Breathing; inspiration; Respiratory Inspiration; Respiratory Aspiration; Back; Dorsum; Polymethyl Methacrylate; Polymethylmethacrylate; Polymethylmetacrylate; Poly(methyl methacrylate); PMMA; Cardiopulmonary Bypass; heart bypass; Heart-Lung Bypass; Chemistry; Mucoviscidosis; Cystic Fibrosis; Disorder; Disease; Orphan Drugs; Elements; Epithelial Cells; Feedback; Gases; Patient Care Delivery; Patient Care; gamma-L-Glutamyl-L-Cysteinylglycine; gamma-L-Glu-L-Cys-Gly; Glutathione; Goals; Hospitals; Humidity; Pulmonary Hypertension; orthopedic freezing; Immobilization; newborn children; newborn child; Newborns; 0-4 weeks old; Newborn Infant; Infection; Laboratories; Photoradiation; Light; Illumination; Lighting; Liver Transplant; Liver Grafting; Hepatic Transplantation; liver transplantation; pulmonary; Lung Respiratory System; Lung; lung disorder; disorder of the lung; disease of the lung; Respiratory System Disorder; Respiratory System Disease; Respiratory Disease; Pulmonary Disorder; Pulmonary Diseases; Lung diseases; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease; COPD; Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease; macrophage; Masks; mass fragmentometry; ion trap mass spectrometry; Mass-Gas Chromatography Spectrum Analysis; Mass-Gas Chromatography Spectrometry; Mass Fragmentographies; Gas-Liquid-Mass Spectrometry Chromatography; GCMS; GC MS; Mass Fragmentography; Metals; Methods; Michigan; genome mutation; Genetic defect; Genetic Change; Genetic Alteration; Mutation; endothelial cell derived relaxing factor; Nitrogen Protoxide; Nitrogen Monoxide; Mononitrogen Monoxide; Endothelium-Derived Nitric Oxide; Endogenous Nitrate Vasodilator; Nitric Oxide; Respiratory System, Nose, Nasal Passages; Nasal Passages Nose; Nasal; Nose; Obstruction; Out-patients; Outpatients; O2 element; O element; Oxygen; Oxygenators; Paranasal Sinuses; Nasal cavity/Paranasal sinuses; Nasal cavity/Paranasal; Nasal Sinuses; Accessory Sinuses; Sinus; Patients; beta,beta-Dimethylcysteine; Mercaptovaline; Dimethylcysteine; Depamine; D-Mercaptovaline; D-3-Mercaptovaline; Beta-thiovaline; 3-Mercapto-D-valine; Penicillamine; Photolyses; photolysis; Platelet Activation; Play; Pneumonia; Polymers; Powders; Powder dose form; reperfusion; Reperfusion Therapy; Research; Researchers; Investigators; Research Personnel; wet lung; Stiff lung; Shock Lung; Da Nang Lung; Adult RDS; Adult ARDS; Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome; Acute Respiratory Distress; ARDS; Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome; Respiratory Infections; Respiratory Tract Infections; Risk; social role; Role; seal; biological signal transduction; Signaling; Signal Transduction Systems; Intracellular Communication and Signaling; Cell Signaling; Cell Communication and Signaling; Signal Transduction; cerebrovascular accident; cerebral vascular accident; brain attack; Cerebrovascular Stroke; Cerebrovascular Apoplexy; Cerebral Stroke; Brain Vascular Accident; Apoplexy; Stroke; Temperature; Testing; Time; tuberculous spondyloarthropathy; tuberculosis infection; infection due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis; disseminated tuberculosis; disseminated TB; TB infection; Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection; Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection; MTB infection; M.tuberculosis infection; M.tb infection; M. tuberculosis infection; M. tb infection; M tuberculosis infection; Tuberculosis; Vasorelaxation; Vasodilatation; Vasodilation; Vasodilators; Vasodilator Drugs; Vasodilating Agent; Vasodilator Agents; Wound Repair; Wound Healing; Generations; Healthcare Costs; Health Costs; Health Care Costs; Infection Control; Intensive Care; Film; S-Nitrosothiols; Lower respiratory infection; Lower Respiratory Tract Infection; Tube; base; Humidifier; Pump; sensor; improved; Chronic; Phase; Ensure; Chemicals; Individual; Recovery; Visible Radiation; Visible Light Radiation; Visible Light; Collaborations; Therapeutic; Liquid substance; liquid; fluid; Exposure to; Transplant Recipients; transplant patient; Life; Frequencies; Home environment; Home; Stream; System; S-nitro-N-acetylpenicillamine; SNAP; brain tissue; Cannulas; respiratory; Operative Surgical Procedures; surgery; Surgical Procedure; Surgical Interventions; Surgical; Operative Procedures; light intensity; Speed; neurotransmission; neuronal signaling; neural signaling; nerve signaling; glial signaling; glia signaling; axonal signaling; axon-glial signaling; axon signaling; Neuronal Transmission; Nerve Transmission; Nerve Impulse Transmission; Devices; portability; preventing; prevent; Dose; Motor; Development; developmental; Output; cost; design; designing; inhaled nitric oxide; iNO; neonatal pulmonary hypertension; pulmonary hypertension of neonate; pulmonary hypertension in newborn; pulmonary hypertension in neonate; newborn pulmonary hypertension; cystic fibrosis patients; patients with cystic fibrosis; patients with CF; individuals with cystic fibrosis; individuals with CF; CF patients; Population; Resistance; resistant; antimicrobial; anti-microbial; natural antimicrobial; aerosolized; prototype; high risk; chronic rhinosinusitis; relative cost; health care settings; healthcare settings; Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome; infection risk

Phase II

Contract Number: 2R44HL149556-02A1
Start Date: 9/1/2019    Completed: 7/31/2024
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2023)
Phase II Amount

Nitric oxide (NO) plays a critical role in a wide range of bodily functions, including vasodilation, neurotransmission, wound healing, suppression of platelet activation, and controlling ciliary beat frequency. Indeed, inhaled NO (iNO) at 0.1 - 80 ppmv (typically 20 ppmv) has become a common treatment for newborns with persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN). In addition, NO acts as a potent and endogenous antimicrobial/antiviral agent that is produced by macrophages and the paranasal sinuses to combat airway infections. Evidence also exists that NO production is decreased in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), causing pulmonary hypertension and increased risk of respiratory infections with bacterial pathogens often forming hard to treat biofilms, as they are are highly resistant to antibiotics. Because iNO therapy has dual functionality of both pulmonary vasodilation and antimicrobial activity/biofilm dispersal it is potentially of great benefit to CF and COPD patients. Currently, ongoing clinical trials are evaluating the efficacy of iNO treatment for CF, COPD, and lower pulmonary infection (bronchiolitis). Recent research has also demonstrated that iNO therapy improves reperfusion of brain tissue after a stroke and the heart after infarct. Given the diversity of applications, there is an unmet need for a simple, low-cost and portable system to deliver iNO therapy beyond the ICU for in-hospital, in-home care and during medical transport. To meet these emerging needs, NOTA Laboratories proposes to continue development of its proprietary LANOR™ (Light Activated Nitric Oxide Release) iNO delivery device. Phase II research will focus on producing two prototypes, a professional model for hospital use and a lower dosing model for patient use at home and for medical transport. The professional model is intended for use by trained medical staff and will allow higher dosing and greater flexibility in configuring the system for treatment of a wide variety of diseases and conditions. The low dose model will ultimately target long-term CF and COPD patient treatment and will prevent user adjustments to the settings once set as prescribed by the doctor. Both models will use a custom designed I/O PCB board and significantly shrink the electronics footprint and cost. The preparation of the immobilized S-nitrosothiol (RSNO) film will be further improved and scaled up by using automated spray and thin-film coating techniques, and the use of commercial-grade processing equipment. A more advanced replaceable film cartridge design will be developed using 3D printing and the design will be made into aplastic injection mold. Batches of cGMP-grade RSNO will be sourced from a chemical manufacturer that uses a cGMP process, and the GSNO will be immobilized onto a medical grade carrier. The goal for Phase II is to transition the devices into formal development with implementation of a Quality System that complies with the FDA's published guidance for Premarket Notification Submissions for a Nitric Oxide Delivery Apparatus leading to a to an initial 510k submission for PPHN as this is by far the easiest regulatory path to market.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
NARRATIVE Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) is a well-established therapy for Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension in Neonates (PPHN) due to its vasodilatory and bronchodilatory functionality; currently iNO has been investigated for the treatment of other diseases including cystic fibrosis (CF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and bronchiolitis, as these patients are susceptible to respiratory infections, which can progress into recalcitrant biofilms that are highly resistant to traditional antibiotics. There are more than 30,000 CF patients in the United States, and COPD is the third leading cause of death in the U. S. with 16.4 million diagnosed patients, while bronchiolitis is the leading cause of hospitalization for infants under 1 yr of age. Through the efforts described in this application, NOTA Laboratories will continue to advance the development of a simple and portable NO generation devices based on photolysis of immobilized S-nitrosothiol species, eliminating the need for NO gas cylinders, yet capable of delivering 1-200 ppmv NO for vasodilatory and antimicrobial therapies for both hospital and at home use.

Project Terms:
hypoxemic; Hypoxemia; Modeling; portability; Documentation; Manufacturer Name; Manufacturer; preventing; prevent; Dose; Ultrasonic; Ultrasonics; device development; instrument development; Device or Instrument Development; Regulatory Pathway; Reproducibility; Monitor; Preparation; Process; Development; developmental; pre-clinical; preclinical; cost; Advanced Development; design; designing; inhaled nitric oxide; iNO; efficacy evaluation; efficacy analysis; efficacy assessment; efficacy examination; evaluate efficacy; examine efficacy; neonatal pulmonary hypertension; Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension in Neonates; Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of Newborn; newborn pulmonary hypertension; newborns with persistent pulmonary hypertension; pulmonary hypertension in neonate; pulmonary hypertension in newborn; pulmonary hypertension of neonate; scale up; cost effective; pathogenic bacteria; bacteria pathogen; bacterial pathogen; cystic fibrosis patients; CF patients; individuals with CF; individuals with cystic fibrosis; patients with CF; patients with cystic fibrosis; Population; Resistance; resistant; antimicrobial; anti-microbial; implantation; natural antimicrobial; prototype; combat; common treatment; effective therapy; effective treatment; flexibility; flexible; 3D Print; 3-D print; 3-D printer; 3D printer; 3D printing; three dimensional printing; left ventricular assist device; LVAD; in-home care; Injections; Inhalation; Inhaling; Lung infections; pulmonary infections; printed circuit board; Phase I/II Clinical Trial; Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial; Home; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; COPD; Chronic Obstruction Pulmonary Disease; Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease; persistent pulmonary hypertension; Age; ages; Ambulances; Antibiotics; Antibiotic Agents; Antibiotic Drugs; Miscellaneous Antibiotic; Antiviral Agents; Antiviral Drugs; Antivirals; anti-viral agents; anti-viral compound; anti-viral drugs; anti-viral medication; anti-viral therapeutic; anti-virals; antiviral compound; antiviral medication; antiviral therapeutic; Biological Sciences; Biologic Sciences; Bioscience; Life Sciences; Bronchiolitis; Cause of Death; Clinical Trials; Consultations; Cystic Fibrosis; Mucoviscidosis; Diagnosis; Disease; Disorder; Electronics; electronic device; Engineering; Environment; Equipment; Feedback; Gases; Goals; Heart; Hospitalization; Hospital Admission; Hospitals; Pulmonary Hypertension; Immobilization; orthopedic freezing; Infant; Newborn Infant; 0-4 weeks old; Newborns; newborn child; newborn children; Infarction; infarct; Infection; Laboratories; Light; Photoradiation; Lung; Lung Respiratory System; pulmonary; macrophage; Mφ; Maps; Medical Staff; Myocardial Infarction; Cardiac infarction; Myocardial Infarct; cardiac infarct; coronary attack; coronary infarct; coronary infarction; heart attack; heart infarct; heart infarction; Nebulizer; Endogenous Nitrate Vasodilator; Endothelium-Derived Nitric Oxide; Mononitrogen Monoxide; Nitrogen Monoxide; Nitrogen Protoxide; endothelial cell derived relaxing factor; Nitric Oxide; NO2; Nitrogen Peroxide; Nitrogen Dioxide; O element; O2 element; Oxygen; Accessory Sinuses; Nasal Sinuses; Nasal cavity/Paranasal; Nasal cavity/Paranasal sinuses; Paranasal Sinuses; Sinus; Patients; Photolyses; photolysis; Platelet Activation; Play; Production; PGI2; Prostaglandin I2; prostaglandin X; Epoprostenol; Publishing; reperfusion; Reperfusion Therapy; Research; Development and Research; R & D; R&D; research and development; ARDS; Acute Respiratory Distress; Adult ARDS; Adult RDS; Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome; Da Nang Lung; Shock Lung; Stiff lung; wet lung; Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome; Airway infections; Respiratory Infections; Respiratory Tract Infections; Risk; social role; Role; Running; Software; Computer software; Apoplexy; Brain Vascular Accident; Cerebral Stroke; Cerebrovascular Apoplexy; Cerebrovascular Stroke; brain attack; cerebral vascular accident; cerebrovascular accident; Stroke; Survey Instrument; Surveys; Leanness; Thinness; Transportation; United States; Vasodilation; Vasodilatation; Vasorelaxation; Vasodilator Agents; Vasodilating Agent; Vasodilator Drugs; Vasodilators; Work; wound healing; Wound Repair; wound resolution; S-Nitrosoglutathione; S-Nitroso-GSH; Generations; Microbial Biofilms; biofilm; Intensive Care; Antibiotic Resistance; Resistance to antibiotics; Resistant to antibiotics; antibiotic drug resistance; antibiotic resistant; Film; Healthcare; health care; S-Nitrosothiols; Custom; base; sensor; improved; Chronic; Phase; Medical; Ensure; Chemicals; Training; Development Plans; fluid; liquid; Liquid substance; instrument; Filamentous Fungi; Molds; Life; Notification; Frequencies; Source; Techniques; System; brain tissue; respiratory; tyvek; experience; light intensity; Performance; Nerve Impulse Transmission; Nerve Transmission; Neuronal Transmission; axon signaling; axon-glial signaling; axonal signaling; glia signaling; glial signaling; nerve signaling; neural signaling; neuronal signaling; neurotransmission; Devices