ICE-Free Vitrification and Nano Warming Technology for Banking of Cardiovascular Structures
Award last edited on: 5/22/2023

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Kevin G M Brockbank

Company Information

Tissue Testing Technologies LLC (AKA: T3LLC~T3 LLC)

2231 Technical Parkway Suite A
North Charleston, SC 29406
   (843) 514-6164
Location: Single
Congr. District: 06
County: Charleston

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R44HL142455-01A1
Start Date: 5/1/2019    Completed: 10/31/2020
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This proposal focuses on translation of ice-free cryopreservation by vitrification employing a novel approach of volumetric heating by nanowarming using Fe nanoparticles in an alternating electromagnetic ?eld. Vitrification, sub-zero storage below the glass transition temperature in a “glassy” rather than a crystalline frozen phase, is a form of cryopreservation that avoids ice formation. Vitri?cation can be achieved by quickly cooling the material to cryogenic storage temperatures, where ice cannot form. Vitri?cation can be maintained at the end of the cryogenic protocol by quickly rewarming the tissue to temperatures above the temperatures where ice nucleation may occur. The magnitude of the rewarming rates necessary to maintain vitri?cation is much higher than the magnitude of the cooling rates that are required to achieve it in the ?rst place. The most common approach to achieve the required cooling and rewarming rates is by convection based boundary warming in which the the specimen's surface is exposed to a temperature controlled environment, such as a fluid bath. Due to the underlying principles of heat transfer, there is a size limit in the case of surface boundary heating beyond which crystallization cannot be prevented at the center of the specimen. Furthermore, due to the underlying principles of solid mechanics, there is also a size limit beyond which thermal expansion in the specimen can lead to structural damage and fractures. Volumetric heating by nanowarming during the rewarming phase of the cryogenic protocol can alleviate these size limitations. Vitrification is already an important enabling approach for reproductive medicine with the potential to permit storage and transport of cells, tissues and organs for a great variety of biomedical uses. Unfortunately, practical application of vitrification has been limited to smaller systems such as cells and thin tissues due to diffusive and phase change limitations that preclude use for blood vessels, larger tissues and organs. To circumvent this problem we demonstrated that nanowarming effectively rewarms blood vessels in our preliminary research. Our experiments demonstrated that this innovative rewarming technique rewarmed vitrified femoral and carotid arteries in volumes ranging from 1 to 50mL with retention of cell viability and physiologic function. However, warming of thick arteries was suboptimal. We propose using large animal blood vessel, models for further optimization and evaluation of nanowarmed vessels using a combination of in vitro and in vivo studies. In Phase 1 in a single specific aim we will optimize ice-free vitrification of thick walled arteries, aorta and pulmonary, with a go/no go objective of achieving > 90% viability for progression to Phase 2. In Phase 2 specific aims, we propose using porcine vascular models in a combination of ex vivo and in vivo studies. The magnetic nanoparticles will be distributed around and within the internal spaces of vessels. The large vessel lumen space makes them a good choice for optimization of vitrification and nanowarming. In Aim 1 we will evaluate cryopreserved arteries after real time shipping, comparing methods and validating the transport conditions that are finally approved based upon absence of tissue cracking. In Aim 2 we will characterize the post-ice-free cryopreservation state of arteries preserved for at least 2 years. In addition, during this aim we will characterize the chemistry and biomaterial properties of ice-free cryopreserved blood vessels. Effective vitrification will be evaluated using cryomacroscopy to detect ice formation and cryoprotectant residuals by Raman spectroscopy. In Aim 3 we will perform short-term transplant studies (28 days) in two porcine vascular models (femoral and pulmonary artery into the carotid and pulmonary, respectively) in order to validate our technology for a future Phase IIb SBIR proposal using clinically relevant preclinical non-human primate models and human tissues.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
NARRATIVE There are huge markets for research, diagnostic and clinical applications of naturally occurring and engineered cells, tissues and organs. Strategic assessment of the field has identified the need for better preservation methods because freezing methods of cryopreservation have been shown to damage tissues and organs due to ice formation. This proposal focuses on nanowarming technology development for cryopreservation by vitrification of large volume blood vessels samples. Nanowarming is required for viable, functional preservation of blood vessels. There are significant clinical needs for vascular grafts for dialysis as well as patients requiring peripheral and coronary bypass grafts. Advances in the preservation of tissues are also needed for trauma care, particularly to incorporate regenerative medicine products into strategic national stockpiles. This proposal combines the use of novel cryoprotectant formulations with magnetic nanoparticles and radiofrequency- induced warming to warm optimally vitrified, banked, living, biological materials. These technologies could eventually impact hundreds of thousands of patients in North America annually if applied to tissues, tissue engineered cellular constructs and one day organs.

NIH Spending Category:
Bioengineering; Biotechnology; Cardiovascular; Nanotechnology; Regenerative Medicine; Transplantation

Project Terms:
Achievement; Animal Model; Animals; Aorta; Area; Arteries; base; Bathing; Biocompatible Materials; Biological; Biological Assay; Biomechanics; Blood Preservation; blood vessel transplantation; Blood Vessels; Blood Volume; Cardiovascular system; Carotid Arteries; Cell Survival; Cells; cellular engineering; Chemistry; Clinical; clinical application; clinically relevant; Controlled Environment; Convection; Coronary Artery Bypass; cryogenics; Cryopreservation; Cryopreserved Tissue; crystallinity; Crystallization; cytotoxicity; Detection; Diagnostic; Dialysis procedure; Diffuse; Disaccharides; Dry Ice; Electromagnetic Fields; Endothelium; Engineering; Evaluation; Excision; experience; experimental study; Exposure to; Extracellular Matrix; Family suidae; femoral artery; Formulation; Fracture; Freezing; Fresh Tissue; Future; Generations; Glass; Heating; Histopathology; Human; human tissue; Hyperplasia; Ice; In Vitro; in vivo; Inflammation; innovation; Laser Scanning Microscopy; Lead; Liquid substance; Logistics; Lung; Magnetic nanoparticles; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Market Research; Measurement; Mechanics; Medial; Medicine; Metals; method development; Methods; Microscopic; microwave electromagnetic radiation; Modeling; nano; nanoparticle; nanowarming; Nitrogen; nonhuman primate; North America; novel; novel strategies; Organ; Outcome; packaging material; Patients; Peripheral; Permeability; Phase; phase change; physical state; Physiological; practical application; pre-clinical; preclinical evaluation; preservation; pressure; prevent; Property; Protocols documentation; Pulmonary artery structure; radio frequency; Raman Spectrum Analysis; Regenerative Medicine; Reproductive Medicine; resazurin; Research; Residual state; response; Rewarming; Sample Size; Sampling; Scanning Electron Microscopy; second harmonic; Shipping; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Solid; Specimen; Structure; Surface; System; Techniques; Technology; technology development; Temperature; Testing; Thick; Thinness; Time; Tissue Engineering; Tissue Preservation; Tissue Viability; Tissues; Transition Temperature; Translations; transplant model; Transplantation; trauma care; vapor; Vascular Graft; Work

Phase II

Contract Number: 4R44HL142455-02
Start Date: 11/1/2020    Completed: 3/31/2023
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2022)
Phase II Amount

This proposal focuses on translation of ice-free cryopreservation by vitrification employing a novel approach ofvolumetric heating by nanowarming using Fe nanoparticles in an alternating electromagnetic ?eld. Vitrification,sub-zero storage below the glass transition temperature in a "glassy" rather than a crystalline frozen phase, isa form of cryopreservation that avoids ice formation. Vitri?cation can be achieved by quickly cooling thematerial to cryogenic storage temperatures, where ice cannot form. Vitri?cation can be maintained at the endof the cryogenic protocol by quickly rewarming the tissue to temperatures above the temperatures where icenucleation may occur. The magnitude of the rewarming rates necessary to maintain vitri?cation is much higherthan the magnitude of the cooling rates that are required to achieve it in the ?rst place. The most commonapproach to achieve the required cooling and rewarming rates is by convection based boundary warming inwhich the the specimen's surface is exposed to a temperature controlled environment, such as a fluid bath.Due to the underlying principles of heat transfer, there is a size limit in the case of surface boundary heatingbeyond which crystallization cannot be prevented at the center of the specimen. Furthermore, due to theunderlying principles of solid mechanics, there is also a size limit beyond which thermal expansion in thespecimen can lead to structural damage and fractures. Volumetric heating by nanowarming during therewarming phase of the cryogenic protocol can alleviate these size limitations. Vitrification is already animportant enabling approach for reproductive medicine with the potential to permit storage and transport ofcells, tissues and organs for a great variety of biomedical uses. Unfortunately, practical application ofvitrification has been limited to smaller systems such as cells and thin tissues due to diffusive and phasechange limitations that preclude use for blood vessels, larger tissues and organs. To circumvent this problemwe demonstrated that nanowarming effectively rewarms blood vessels in our preliminary research. Ourexperiments demonstrated that this innovative rewarming technique rewarmed vitrified femoral and carotidarteries in volumes ranging from 1 to 50mL with retention of cell viability and physiologic function.However, warming of thick arteries was suboptimal. We propose using large animal blood vessel, modelsfor further optimization and evaluation of nanowarmed vessels using a combination of in vitro and in vivostudies. In Phase 1 in a single specific aim we will optimize ice-free vitrification of thick walled arteries,aorta and pulmonary, with a go/no go objective of achieving > 90% viability for progression to Phase 2. InPhase 2 specific aims, we propose using porcine vascular models in a combination of ex vivo and in vivostudies. The magnetic nanoparticles will be distributed around and within the internal spaces of vessels.The large vessel lumen space makes them a good choice for optimization of vitrification andnanowarming. In Aim 1 we will evaluate cryopreserved arteries after real time shipping, comparing methodsand validating the transport conditions that are finally approved based upon absence of tissue cracking. In Aim2 we will characterize the post-ice-free cryopreservation state of arteries preserved for at least 2 years. Inaddition, during this aim we will characterize the chemistry and biomaterial properties of ice-freecryopreserved blood vessels. Effective vitrification will be evaluated using cryomacroscopy to detect iceformation and cryoprotectant residuals by Raman spectroscopy. In Aim 3 we will perform short-termtransplant studies (28 days) in two porcine vascular models (femoral and pulmonary artery into the carotidand pulmonary, respectively) in order to validate our technology for a future Phase IIb SBIR proposal usingclinically relevant preclinical non-human primate models and human tissues.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
NARRATIVE There are huge markets for research, diagnostic and clinical applications of naturally occurring and engineered cells, tissues and organs. Strategic assessment of the field has identified the need for better preservation methods because freezing methods of cryopreservation have been shown to damage tissues and organs due to ice formation. This proposal focuses on nanowarming technology development for cryopreservation by vitrification of large volume blood vessels samples. Nanowarming is required for viable, functional preservation of blood vessels. There are significant clinical needs for vascular grafts for dialysis as well as patients requiring peripheral and coronary bypass grafts. Advances in the preservation of tissues are also needed for trauma care, particularly to incorporate regenerative medicine products into strategic national stockpiles. This proposal combines the use of novel cryoprotectant formulations with magnetic nanoparticles and radiofrequency- induced warming to warm optimally vitrified, banked, living, biological materials. These technologies could eventually impact hundreds of thousands of patients in North America annually if applied to tissues, tissue engineered cellular constructs and one day organs.

Project Terms:
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