FFPE histone enrichment for antibody and mass spectrometry analysis of post translational modifications in epigenetic biomarker discoveryAward last edited on: 5/23/2018
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NIEHSTotal Award Amount
$225,000Award Phase
1Solicitation Topic Code
NIEHSPrincipal Investigator
Mary Anne JelinekCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: ---- Completed: ----
Phase I year
2017Phase I Amount
$225,000Public Health Relevance Statement:
Exposure to environmental stresses that result in chronic and acute diseases are known to cause changes in gene expression patterns and expression-associated histone marks. This proposal intends to develop a method for isolation of histones from archived clinical samples to enable evaluation of disease-associated changes in histone mark patterns as biomarkers for diagnostic and prognostic applications.
Project Terms:
Acetylation; Acute Disease; Antibodies; Antibody Specificity; Archives; Autoimmune Process; base; Biological Assay; Biological Markers; Biological Models; Biological Preservation; biomarker discovery; biomarker identification; Brain; Bypass; Cardiovascular system; ChIP-seq; Chromatin; Chromatin Structure; Chronic Disease; cigarette smoke; Clinical; cohort; Collaborations; Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Detection; Development; Diagnostic; Disease; Environmental Exposure; Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; epigenetic marker; Epigenetic Process; Evaluation; experimental study; Exposure to; Feasibility Studies; Formalin; Freezing; Future; Gene Expression; Gene Expression Profile; Genomic DNA; Glioma; Global Change; Health; Heavy Metals; Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor; Histone H2A; Histone H3; Histone H4; histone modification; Histones; Human; Immunologics; Inflammatory; Institutes; interest; Kidney; Knowledge; Liver; Lung; Malignant Neoplasms; Mass Spectrum Analysis; Mental disorders; Metabolic; method development; Methods; Methylation; Mining; Modification; Mus; neoplastic; Neurologic; novel; Outcome; Paraffin Embedding; Patients; Pattern; Phase; Phosphorylation; Post Translational Modification Analysis; Post-Translational Protein Processing; predict clinical outcome; Primary Neoplasm; Procedures; Process; prognostic; Prognostic Marker; protein crosslink; Proteins; Reagent; Recording of previous events; Risk Management; Saints; Sampling; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Spleen; Stress; Therapeutic; Tissues; tumor; Ultraviolet Rays; Western Blotting
Phase II
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: ---- Completed: ----