Feasibility of a Mobile Parent-Based Intervention to Reduce Alcohol Use by High School Seniors
Award last edited on: 3/2/2021

Sponsored Program
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Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Michael Hecht

Company Information

Real Prevention LLC

765 Long Hill Road
Gillette, NJ 07933
   (814) 360-0203
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Morris

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R43AA025293-01A1
Start Date: 8/1/2017    Completed: 7/31/2018
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The goal of this SBIR proposal is to demonstrate the feasibility of an interactive, tailored, e-learning parent- based intervention (PBI-m) for parents of high school seniors that aims to reduce alcohol use and related harm among teens during the post high-school transition, an established high-risk period. The proposed PBI-m is adapted from an evidence-based curriculum in four important ways: (1) the reach of the intervention is increased by targeting parents of all high school seniors, regardless of their post-high school transitional path, (2) the intervention changes from a handbook to an interactive, e-learning format that capitalizes on increasingly tech savvy parents and facilitates rapid and widespread dissemination and sustainability, (3) content is customized based on reported parent-child communication styles to produce a more effective, individualized experience and (4) rapid dissemination to a large market is ensured through collaboration with D.A.R.E. America, a community organization with a wide presence in U.S. school districts. The curriculum motivates parents to talk with their sons and daughters about alcohol use and then teaches them communication and relationships skills for handling these difficult conversations. Research demonstrates that the hard copy version motivates them to have these conversations and, as a result, reduces youth alcohol consumption. We anticipate that technology will allow us to make the curriculum more engaging through interactivity, tailored content, and optional “coaching” in additional content areas. During this Phase 1 project, interviews will be conducted with parents of high seniors who are transitioning to work and the military, as well as teens who have recently transitioned to work and military, rather than college to capture their experiences and perceptions. Findings will be incorporated by the project team (Hecht, Turrisi, Ray, Miller- Day) with advice from an Expert Panel to create a 4-lesson, e-learning intervention that is brief, highly interactive, engaging, and customized to individual parents and accessible through computers and tablets. An independent usability study will be conducted with parents to establish feasibility. A commitment is in place from D.A.R.E. America, the largest provider of school-based curriculum in the world, to disseminate the curriculum as part of its expanded high school program. REAL Prevention LLC has successfully developed effective substance use prevention curricula and partnered with D.A.R.E. on its dissemination in 70% of school districts in the U.S. as well as in 52 other countries. LeanForward LLC, an innovative training and e-learning design firm, will collaborate on this adaptation. The project team also includes Dr. Turrisi, curriculum developer, and an Expert Panel. At the end of Phase 1, REAL Prevention and its partners will be situated to evaluate the curriculum in a Phase 2 field test followed by rapid dissemination through D.A.R.E.'s highly trained network of law enforcement officers as well as other REAL Prevention clients and collabortors.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
This SBIR Phase 1 will demonstrate the feasibility of delivering a highly interactive, tailored, e- learning parent-based intervention (PBI-m) for parents of high school seniors to reduce alcohol use and related harm among teens during the post high-school transition. The PBI-m is adapted from an evidenced-based handbook for parents of college-bound teens (1) to reach a broader audience including parents of teens transitioning to college, work, or military and (2) from a didactic, paper-based handbook to an interactive, tailored, e-learning format accessible via computers and tablets. The new curriculum has the potential to have wide impact through by D.A.R.E. America, which has a presence in 70% of U.S. school districts.

Project Terms:
Active Learning; Address; Adolescent; Affect; Age; age group; Alcohol abuse; Alcohol consumption; Alcohols; Americas; Area; Automobile Driving; base; Behavior; Client; Collaborations; college; commercialization; Communication; Communities; community organizations; Computers; Country; Custom; Daughter; design; Development; drinking; Drunk driving; E-learning; Educational Curriculum; Ensure; Equipment and supply inventories; Evaluation; evidence base; Evidence based program; experience; Family; field study; flexibility; Funding; Goals; handbook; high risk; high school; high school program; impaired driving performance; Individual; innovation; International; Intervention; Interview; Law Enforcement Officers; Lead; Licensing; matriculation; Military Personnel; Modeling; Motivation; Paper; parent-child communication; Parents; Patient Self-Report; pedagogy; peer; Perception; Phase; Policies; Population Programs; Prevalence; Prevention; Prevention strategy; programs; prototype; Provider; reduced alcohol use; Reporting; Research; Risk Behaviors; Safety; school district; Schools; skills; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; sobriety; Son; Source; statistics; Students; substance use prevention; Tablets; Teaching Method; Technology; Teenagers; Testing; Time; Training; twelfth grade; underage drinking; underage drinking reduction; United States National Institutes of Health; university student; usability; Work; Youth

Phase II

Contract Number: 2R44AA025293-02
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2020)
Phase II Amount

The goal of this Phase II SBIR is to provide an efficient, engaging, and effective means to enhance parents’ ability to reduce prevalence of alcohol use and consequences, and other substance use through the development and evaluation of Parenting Now (PN). PN is a brief, interactive, self-paced, and digital curriculum for parents of high-school-aged adolescents, a frequently neglected population created from the evidence-based Parent Handbook,1-3 available in hard copy and DVD for college-bound youth only. The curriculum is needed because most parent-based prevention interventions target children or young adolescents, neglecting older adolescents, despite that fact that alcohol use increases in frequency and risk through mid- adolescence. Also, unlike other evidence-based parenting curricula, PN is brief, requires only the parents, does not require training, and can be used “on the go” through any digital device. This provides a market niche for the proposed project that addresses this curriculum gap through the innovative use of both technology and prevention science. During the successful Phase I, formative research was conducted to identify parent needs and interests, and a curriculum prototype was developed that demonstrated strong usability and feasibility. During Phase II, we work with Klein Buendel to refine and complete digital programing. The fully developed PN will have core and optional modules based on Phase I findings. This format will allow us to personalize or target parents based on their communication style and allows parents to customize their experience by choosing or clicking through the optional content. Personalization and customization are two essential engagement strategies for digital prevention interventions.4 Following development, a randomized clinical trial will be conducted through GfK Global. GfK will recruit a nationally representative sample of parent-adolescent dyads who will be randomly assigned to treatment or active control. Parents will complete either PN or be directed to the publicly available SAMSHA parenting materials as an active control condition. Parents also will complete an immediate posttest evaluating their intervention experience. Youth will complete a pretest, immediate posttest and follow-up posttests at 1 and 6 months to assess effects. A theoretical model of moderation and mediation also will be evaluated with alcohol use and consequences as the primary outcome and other substance use as secondary outcomes. Results will guide preparation of PN for the market including immediate dissemination through D.A.R.E. America’s new high school program as well as REAL Prevention’s other community- based partners such as 4-H and Planned Parenthood.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
This Phase II SBIR will evaluate an interactive, self-paced, digital parenting intervention, Parenting Now, to prevent youth alcohol use and prepare it for dissemination to youth community organizations and schools. Parenting Now is adapted from the evidence-based Parent Handbook and has the potential for wide impact on youth substance use through implementation in D.A.R.E., and REAL Prevention’s other partners while advancing our understanding of digital prevention strategies.

Project Terms:
active control; addiction; Address; Adolescence; Adolescent; adolescent alcohol and drug use; adolescent substance use; Age; alcohol consequences; Alcohol consumption; Alcohol or Other Drugs use; Alcohols; Americas; base; Behavior; Biological; Child; Child Rearing; college; Communication; Communities; community organizations; cost; Critical Thinking; Custom; Development; Devices; digital; drinking; Education; Educational Curriculum; Effectiveness; Evaluation; evidence base; Expectancy; experience; Family; follow-up; Frequencies; Goals; handbook; Health; Health Promotion; healthy lifestyle; high school; high school program; High School Student; Impairment; improved; innovation; innovative technologies; interest; International; Intervention; Judgment; Lead; Letters; marijuana use; Marketing; Mediation; Mediator of activation protein; neglect; nicotine use; Outcome; parental influence; Parents; permissiveness; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Phase; phase 2 study; Planned Parenthood Federation of America; Population; preference; Preparation; Prevalence; prevent; Prevention; Prevention strategy; Preventive Intervention; primary outcome; Process; programs; prototype; Public Health; Randomized; Randomized Clinical Trials; Recording of previous events; recruit; reduced alcohol use; Reporting; Research; Risk; Sampling; School-Age Population; Schools; Science; secondary outcome; Series; sex; skills; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Students; Surgeon; Technology; Teenagers; Theoretical model; Time; Training; underage drinking; United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration; usability; Work; Youth