Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2019)
Phase II Amount
Tobacco-attributable disease remains the largest potentially modi?able cause of mortality. Strategies to reduce smoking prevalence include developing more effective smoking cessation treatments. Nicotine metabolism and dependence are predictors of smoking behaviors, including response to smoking cessation treatments. The goal of this Phase II project is to develop prediction models of nicotine metabolism, nicotine dependence and smoking cessation from clinical and genomic data. An optimized set of models will be implemented in the Smokescreen®Translational (TL) Analysis Platform, and applied to clinical cohorts of treatment-seeking smokers. We have previously designed Smokescreen®GTA, a genome-wide array that deeply captures variation in over 1,000 addiction genes, including the most important loci for nicotine metabolism and nicotine dependence. We have identi?ed multiple metabolic and regulatory genes, that with relatively few markers, can predict an individual's nicotine metabolic activity. We will use existing cohorts and a clinical treatment trial of smokers to discover and test integrated models with the goal of providing estimates of nicotine metabolism, nicotine dependence and cessation probability. These models will incorporate ancestry, clinical, genomic and social vari- ables to maximize prediction of smoking cessation. We will develop a compact laboratory assay for genotyping DNA samples with speci?c markers and software to analyze clinical and genomic data. Smokescreen®TL will be validated in smokers in clinical care. The results will be delivered in ?exible reporting formats. Ultimately, Smokescreen®TL will be available for use by health care providers interested in helping treatment seeking smokers quit.
Public Health Relevance Statement: Project Narrative Quitting tobacco-smoking remains a challenge for a signi?cant portion of the U.S. population. This project will create a predictive test to personalize smoking cessation treatment.
NIH Spending Category: Alcoholism, Alcohol Use and Health; Behavioral and Social Science; Brain Disorders; Cancer; Cancer Genomics; Genetics; Human Genome; Lung; Lung Cancer; Patient Safety; Precision Medicine; Prevention; Substance Abuse; Tobacco; Tobacco Smoke and Health; Women's Health
Project Terms: addiction; African American; Biological Assay; Biological Markers; biosignature; Cancer Patient; cancer risk; Cardiovascular Diseases; cigarette smoking; Clinical; clinical care; Clinical Data; Clinical Treatment; Code; cohort; Cohort Studies; Communities; Computer software; Cotinine; CYP2A7 gene; Dependence; design; Development; Disease; DNA; Drug Kinetics; Enrollment; European; flexibility; Genes; Genetic Transcription; genome wide association study; genome-wide; genomic biomarker; genomic data; Genomic Segment; Genomics; Genotype; Glucuronides; Goals; health care service organization; Health Personnel; Healthcare; hydroxycotinine; Individual; interest; Japanese Population; Joints; Laboratories; Laboratory Study; Latino; Lung diseases; Malignant Neoplasms; Measures; Metabolic; Metabolic Diseases; Metabolism; Modeling; mortality; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; National Institute of Drug Abuse; Native Hawaiian; Nicotine; nicotine cessation; Nicotine Dependence; novel; Outcome; Oxides; Participant; Pathway interactions; personalized medicine; Pharmacodynamics; Pharmacogenomics; Pharmacology; Phase; Population; predicting response; predictive modeling; predictive test; Probability; Randomized Clinical Trials; Regulator Genes; Reporting; response; Sample Size; Sampling; Scientific Advances and Accomplishments; Series; Smoker; smoking abstinence; Smoking Behavior; smoking cessation; Smoking Cessation Intervention; smoking prevalence; social; Statistical Models; statistics; Technology; Testing; therapy outcome; Tobacco; tobacco control; Tobacco smoking behavior; Tobacco use; Translating; treatment trial; United States National Institutes of Health; Variant