Multi-Epitope Tag (Met)-Recombinant Antibody Toolbox for Detection and Manipulation of Rna ModificationsAward last edited on: 11/6/2019
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NIDATotal Award Amount
$224,995Award Phase
1Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
Brian EganCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: ---- Completed: ----
Phase I year
2016Phase I Amount
$224,995Public Health Relevance Statement:
Project Narrative While the biological significance of chemical modifications found on RNA molecules and their interacting proteins is still in its discovery phase, already it is known that the dysfunction of these proteins are involved in obesity, mental retardation and possibly substance abuse. This grant proposes to develop a highly specific and sensitive tool kit of antibodies that will allow for the visualization, isolation and study of these biomolecules which will further our understanding of their role in human diseases.
Project Terms:
Address; Adenine; Adenosine; aerobic respiration control protein; Amino Acid Sequence; Antibodies; antibody conjugate; Antigens; Avidin; base; Biological; Biological Assay; Biological Process; Biotin; Biotinylation; Brain; Cell physiology; cell type; Chemicals; Chemistry; Clinical; Coin; cost; demethylation; Detection; Development; Diagnostic; Discrimination; Disease; DNA; DNA Methylation; DNA Modification Process; DNA Sequence; dopaminergic neuron; Engineering; Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; Enzymes; Epigenetic Process; Epitopes; Evaluation; expression cloning; Feasibility Studies; Fertility; Fluorescent Dyes; fluorophore; Functional disorder; Future; Gene Duplication; Genes; Goals; Grant; Histocompatibility Testing; Homeostasis; Human; human disease; Hybridomas; Imagery; Immunofluorescence Immunologic; Immunoglobulin Variable Region; Impairment; In Vitro; in vivo; interest; Knowledge; Label; Ligase; Light; Link; loss of function mutation; Mental Retardation; Messenger RNA; Metabolism; Methodology; Methods; Microcephaly; Midbrain structure; Modification; Monoclonal Antibodies; Mus; Neurons; novel; Obesity; Peptide Sequence Determination; Peptides; Phase; Pilot Projects; Play; polyclonal antibody; Post-Translational Protein Processing; Proteins; Protocols documentation; Reader; Reagent; Recombinant Antibody; Recombinants; Regulation; Research; Ribonucleotides; RNA; RNA analysis; RNA Caps; RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing; Role; screening; Site; Site-Directed Mutagenesis; sortase; Specificity; Streptavidin; Structure; Substance abuse problem; System; Technology; Testing; Time; tissue/cell culture; tool; Transcript; Transfection; Validation
Phase II
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: ---- Completed: ----