Leveraging advanced clinical phenotyping to enhance problem lists and support value-based healthcare
Award last edited on: 5/15/2020

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Principal Investigator
Daniel Jay Riskin

Company Information


325 Sharon Park Drive Suite 730
Menlo Park, CA 94025
   (978) 549-2019
Location: Single
Congr. District: 18

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R43LM012357-01A1
Start Date: 7/1/2016    Completed: 6/30/2017
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
As United States healthcare seeks to address inconsistent quality and overwhelming cost, data and technology have become central to all suggested approaches. With newly available electronic health data and massive growth in processing power, the hardest challenges in using clinical data are becoming clear. Big data holds the potential to enable personalized patient care, population health management, and value-based payment models. However, it also creates challenges in discriminating accurate data from inaccurate or incomplete information. One of the greatest areas of data inaccuracy is the patient phenotype, or clinical description of the patient. Every clinical decision support tool, population health management system, and payment reform product relies on accurate electronic patient descriptions as its source data. But, the descriptions are not accurate, most notably in terms of completeness and granularity. Recall often falls below 50% in describing a patientÂ’s medical conditions, such as heart failure and cancer. Detailed descriptions such as low ejection fraction heart failure or stage III breast cancer, needed for downstream analytics, are lacking in the discrete record. Poor data puts care delivery, payment reform, and population health efforts in peril. The time is right for technology to proactively define the clinical phenotype from source data, without reliance on current manual approaches. This will necessitate overcoming challenges in harmonizing discrepant narrative and discrete data, inferring when a characteristic such as cough is a primary condition versus symptom of another condition, and screening noise from signal in robust narrative text. This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will include the following specific aims: 1. Create the components required to define an accurate and comprehensive clinical phenotype, including: (i) extract problem, medication, procedure, and lab features from clinical data using natural language processing (NLP) and ontologic mapping, (ii) build a large knowledge database of associated clinical conditions, and (iii) assess extracted features against the knowledge database to accurately distinguish symptoms from diseases and surface relevant active diseases in a candidate problem list. 2. Validate the clinical phenotyping components using de-identified longitudinal clinical data for 10,000 patients The goal, dependent on Phase I success, is to create an automated, accurate, and robust clinical phenotyping engine to enable personalized patient care, population health management, and value- based payment models.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
Project Narrative Individual and global care improvement demands accurate phenotypes. This type of clinical phenotyping is extremely challenging, requiring full clinical data and advanced semantic technologies to develop a longitudinal patient map. The approach, if successful, offers an opportunity to empower national efforts to improve outcomes and reduce costs.

Project Terms:
Address; Area; Back; base; Big Data; care delivery; Caring; Characteristics; Clinical; Clinical Data; clinical phenotype; clinical practice; Congresses; cost; Coughing; Data; Data Sources; Databases; discrete data; Disease; EFRAC; Electronics; empowered; experience; falls; Funding; Goals; Government; Growth; health data; Health system; Healthcare; Heart failure; high risk; improved; improved outcome; Individual; Industry; Investments; Joints; Knowledge; malignant breast neoplasm; Malignant Neoplasms; Manuals; Maps; Medical; Medical Technology; Modeling; Natural Language Processing; Noise; Patients; payment; Peer Review; personalized care; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Phase; Phenotype; population health; Principal Investigator; Procedures; Process; Review Literature; screening; Semantics; Signal Transduction; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Staging; success; support tools; Surface; Symptoms; System; Technology; Text; Time; United States; Work

Phase II

Contract Number: 6R44TR002437-03
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2019)
Phase II Amount

With newly available electronic health data and a massive increase in processing power, data-driven personalized medicine is just now becoming possible.1 However, advances to improve health care are inherently limited by data quality. One of the most used sources of data, the patient problem list, is also the greatest source of data inaccuracy. According to recent studies, the patient problem list is often less than 50% accurate in documenting the most critical conditions.2 3 4 5 These errors exacerbate inefficiencies throughout the American health care system from care delivery to quality improvement. Primary care physicians rely on problem lists to develop transitional treatment plans for the 68 million Americans who change providers every year. Errors related to care transitions harm more than 1.5 million people each year in the United States, costing the nation an estimated $3.5 billion annually.6 Population health efforts, a cornerstone of value-based healthcare, rely on problem lists to determine risk levels and deployment of resources. These efforts cannot succeed if the source data produce faulty results. This application seeks to enable better individual patient care, enhanced population health management, and effective downstream analytics by building an automated problem list builder, which provides an accurate and granular account of the patientÂ’s medical conditions. If the program is successful, one of the greatest technical risks in value-based healthcare will be addressed. Phase I exceeded success criteria in proving feasibility of core modules in natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence. Based on Phase I success, implementation pathways are demonstrated through pilots with one of the largest US healthcare systems and one of the largest global biotechnology firms. The team is comprised of commercial and academic leaders in the field of NLP-based products applied to value-based healthcare.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
Project Narrative VMT proposes to use advanced semantic technologies and artificial intelligence to enhance the individualized patient problem list, which frequently has 50% or lower accuracy for common conditions such as cancer, smoking, and heart failure. 1 2 3 The problem list represents source data in care delivery, population health, shared-risk contracting, and research. This proposal aims to support more accurate and granular source data to enhance care delivery and value-based healthcare.

NIH Spending Category:
Clinical Research; Health Services; Networking and Information Technology R&D; Precision Medicine

Project Terms:
Address; Agreement; American; Area; Artificial Intelligence; base; Big Data; Biotechnology; Businesses; care delivery; Caring; Characteristics; Clinical; Clinical Data; clinical decision support; clinical phenotype; comparative effectiveness; Continuity of Patient Care; Contracts; cost; Coughing; Data; Data Quality; Data Set; Databases; Development; discrete data; Disease; effectiveness research; evidence base; expectation; falls; Feedback; Foundations; Garbage; General Hospitals; Gold; health data; health management; Healthcare; Healthcare Systems; Heart failure; high reward; high risk; improved; individual patient; interest; Knowledge; Letters; Malignant Neoplasms; Manuals; Massachusetts; Medical; Modeling; Natural Language Processing; Noise; Pathway interactions; Patient Care; Patients; payment; Peer Review; personalized care; personalized medicine; Phase; Physicians; point of care; population health; Primary Care Physician; programs; Provider; Research; Resources; Review Literature; Risk; risk sharing; screening; Semantics; Signal Transduction; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Smoking; Source; success; support tools; Symptoms; System; Systems Integration; Technology; Text; Time; treatment planning; United States; United States Department of Veterans Affairs; Update; Writing