Knee-Biofeedback Rehabilitation Interface for Game-Based Home Therapy (KneeBRIGHT)Award last edited on: 1/31/2024
Sponsored Program
STTRAwarding Agency
NIH : NIATotal Award Amount
$3,548,301Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
866Principal Investigator
Eileen KrepkovichCompany Information
Barron Associates Inc (AKA: BAI)
1410 Sachem Place Suite 202
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Charlottesville, VA 22901
(434) 973-1215 |
sales@barron-associates.com |
www.barron-associates.com |
Research Institution
University of Virginia
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R41AR067562-01A1Start Date: 9/1/2015 Completed: 8/31/2016
Phase I year
2015Phase I Amount
$224,925Public Health Relevance Statement:
Public Health Relevance:
The proposed Knee Biofeedback Rehabilitation Interface for Game-based Home Therapy ("KneeBRIGHT") system aims to motivate patients with knee osteoarthritis to conduct regular muscle strengthening exercise through an engaging, EMG-driven video game therapy. KneeBRIGHT promises to enhance rehabilitation by: (1) increasing functional recovery through physical practice of evidence-based exercise routines; (2) promoting adherence through fun games and performance feedback; (3) providing a low-cost option for at-home therapy; (4) creating reliable tracking mechanisms for patient activity and functional status; and (5) increasing access to care in remote, underserved areas.
NIH Spending Category:
Arthritis; Assistive Technology; Behavioral and Social Science; Bioengineering; Clinical Research; Osteoarthritis; Pain Conditions - Chronic; Pain Research; Physical Rehabilitation; Rehabilitation
Project Terms:
Address; Adherence (attribute); Area; arthropathies; Award; base; Biofeedback; care delivery; Clinic; Clinical; clinical efficacy; Compliance behavior; Computer software; cost; Cost Control; Degenerative polyarthritis; Development; disability; Disease; Electrodes; Electromyography; Environment; Evaluation; Evidence based practice; Exercise; Exhibits; experience; Feedback; Foundations; functional improvement; functional status; Generations; Goals; Health Care Costs; Health Services Accessibility; Home environment; improved; Individual; innovation; Knee; Knee Osteoarthritis; Laboratories; Left; Medical; Motivation; Muscle; Outcome; Pain; Patients; Performance; Phase; Physical Function; Pilot Projects; Play; Population; pressure; programs; Protocols documentation; prototype; public health medicine (field); public health relevance; Quadriceps Muscle of the Thigh; Quality of life; Questionnaires; Recovery of Function; Rehabilitation Centers; Rehabilitation Outcome; Rehabilitation therapy; Research; Resistance; sensor; Small Business Technology Transfer Research; success; Symptoms; System; Technology; Testing; Time; tool; Training; Universities; usability; Video Games; Virginia; Wireless Technology
Phase II
Contract Number: 9R44AG062069-02A1Start Date: 9/30/2018 Completed: 5/31/2020
Phase II year
2018(last award dollars: 2024)
Phase II Amount
$3,323,376Public Health Relevance Statement:
PROJECT NARRATIVE The proposed Knee Biofeedback Rehabilitation Interface for Game-based Home Therapy (KneeBRIGHT) system aims to motivate patients with knee osteoarthritis to engage in regular muscle strengthening exercise through an engaging, EMG-driven video game therapy. KneeBRIGHT promises to enhance rehabilitation by: (1) increasing functional recovery through physical practice of evidence-based exercise routines; (2) promoting adherence through fun games and real-time performance feedback; (3) providing a low-cost option for at- home therapy; (4) creating reliable tracking mechanisms for patient adherence and functional status; and (5) increasing access to care in remote, underserved areas.
NIH Spending Category:
Aging; Arthritis; Assistive Technology; Behavioral and Social Science; Bioengineering; Chronic Pain; Clinical Research; Clinical Trials and Supportive Activities; Osteoarthritis; Pain Research; Patient Safety; Physical Activity; Physical Rehabilitation; Rehabilitation
Project Terms:
Activities of Daily Living; Address; Adherence; Architecture; Area; arthropathies; Award; base; Biofeedback; Certification; Clinic; Clinical Trials; Compliance behavior; Computer software; cost; dashboard; Degenerative polyarthritis; design; Development; disability; Disease; efficacy testing; Electrodes; Electromyography; evidence base; Evidence based practice; Exercise; exercise regimen; exercise rehabilitation; Exercise Therapy; Exhibits; experience; Feasibility Studies; Feedback; functional improvement; functional outcomes; functional status; Goals; Health Services Accessibility; Home environment; improved; innovation; Insurance; Interview; Knee; Knee Osteoarthritis; Laboratories; Measures; Modeling; Motivation; Muscle; muscle strength; Outcome; Pain; pain reduction; pain symptom; patient engagement; Patient Monitoring; Patients; Performance; Phase; Physical Function; Production; programs; Protocols documentation; prototype; Provider; Public Health; quadriceps muscle; Recovery of Function; Rehabilitation therapy; Resistance; Risk; Safety; sensor; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; strength training; success; Symptoms; System; Technology; Teletherapy; Testing; Time; tool; Torque; Training; Travel; United States; Universities; usability; Validation; Video Games; Virginia; Wireless Technology