Time-Relevant Blood Sample Collection Using Hemaspot
Award last edited on: 10/30/14

Sponsored Program
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Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Jeanette R Hill

Company Information

Spot on Sciences LLC

8204 North Lamar Boulevard Suite C17
Austin, TX 78753
   (512) 827-9627
Location: Single
Congr. District: 10
County: Travis

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R43HL122043-01A1
Start Date: 7/15/14    Completed: 1/14/15
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Time-relevant Blood Sample Collection Using HemaSpot' Collection of blood samples at relevant time points is critical for chronobiology (circadian rhythm) research and for predicting, diagnosing and treating chronic diseases such as diabetes, kidney and cardiovascular disease. Recent studies demonstrate that survival of at-risk patients is increased up to 5-fold by the simple behavior change of taking blood pressure medications at night time instead of morning. Research to determine mechanisms of this remarkable data is hampered by limited access to time-relevant blood samples due to the requirement of an accessible phlebotomist and travel to a laboratory for venipuncture blood collection. Collection is especially difficult for critical time points such as early morning or bedtime and for patients who are ill, home-bound, elderly, live in remote or rural areas, lack transportation or who cannot take time from work. Spot On Sciences proposes an innovative and revolutionary method using HemaSpot, an easy to use device that enables a blood sample to be self-collected from any location and at any time. Using a finger stick by lancet, two drops of blood are applied to the HemaSpot device and the blood wicks into a pre-cut absorbent paper. The cartridge is then snapped closed and the sample is immediately ready to ship by mail to a central lab. Once the blood is dried by desiccant within the cartridge, the sample is stable at ambient temperature and no refrigeration or cold chain is required. The enclosed cartridge prevents sample contamination and reduces biohazard risk from downstream handling. Spot On Sciences is currently in final development stages of the HemaSpot device with the support of a DARPA SBIR Phase II contract. For this study, we propose to establish procedures to demonstrate effective use of HemaSpot for collection of timed samples throughout a 24 h period for chronobiology research. To detect disease related biomarkers, we will develop and/or transfer existing wet blood diagnostic methods for dried blood spot (DBS) analysis and will demonstrate the training requirements, ease of use and sample analysis for timed blood collections with HemaSpot. This pilot study will establish best-practice procedures for subsequent use in ongoing population studies such as the Hygia study in Spain in which time-relevant biomarkers for cardiovascular disease will be determined. Use of HemaSpot for sample collection can greatly increase access to time-relevant blood samples for medical research and for diagnostic testing to prevent, detect and monitor chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Thesaurus Terms:
Analytical Method;Behavior Change;Binding (Molecular Function);Biohazardous Substance;Biological Markers;Blood;Blood Pressure;Blood Specimen;Cardiovascular Diseases;Chronic Disease;Chronobiology;Circadian Rhythms;Cold Chains;Collection;Consent Forms;Contracts;Data;Development;Devices;Diabetes Mellitus;Diagnosis;Diagnostic Procedure;Diagnostic Tests;Disease;Disease Diagnosis;Disease Marker;Drops;Elderly;Evaluation;Fingers;Goals;Home Environment;Innovation;Institutional Review Boards;Kidney Diseases;Laboratories;Life;Location;Mails;Measures;Medical Research;Method Development;Methods;Monitor;Paper;Patients;Pharmaceutical Preparations;Phase;Pilot Projects;Population Study;Preparation;Prevent;Procedures;Public Health Relevance;Recruitment Activity;Refrigeration;Reporting;Research;Risk;Rural Area;Sample Collection;Sampling;Science;Shipping;Ships;Small Business Innovation Research Grant;Spain;Spottings;Staging;Temperature;Time;Timeline;Training;Transportation;Travel;Usability;Validation;Venipunctures;Volunteer;Work;

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount