Novel Anti-LPA Antibody for the Treatment OD Diabetic NeuropathyAward last edited on: 9/9/14
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NIDDKTotal Award Amount
$145,230Award Phase
1Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
Rosalia Gerarda MatteoCompany Information
Lpath Inc (AKA: Medlyte Inc~Lpath Therapeutics Inc)
Location: Single
Congr. District: 51
County: San Diego
Congr. District: 51
County: San Diego
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43DK098829-01Start Date: 9/16/13 Completed: 8/31/14
Phase I year
2013Phase I Amount
$145,230Public Health Relevance Statement:
Public Health Relevance:
Diabetes constitutes an enormous public health challenge in the United States. About 60 to 70% of people with the disease have mild to severe forms of nervous system damage or neuropathy and there is currently no effective treatment. Diabetic patients would benefit from research directed toward the development of new therapies that would slow, prevent, or better yet reverse nerve damage. Lpath has generated potent and specific neutralizing monoclonal antibodies that have the potential to be used therapeutically to diminish nerve dysfunction and proposes to test these antibodies to determine whether they are able to slow the progression of nerve damage in an animal model of diabetes.
NIH Spending Category:
Biotechnology; Diabetes; Immunization; Neurodegenerative; Neuropathy; Neurosciences; Pain Conditions - Chronic; Pain Research
Project Terms:
afferent nerve; Age related macular degeneration; analog; Animal Model; Antibodies; Antibody Therapy; base; Behavioral; Biochemical; Biological; Biological Assay; Bolus Infusion; Capital; Categories; cell type; Clinical; commercialization; Complex; Data; Development; Diabetes Mellitus; diabetic; Diabetic Neuropathies; diabetic patient; Disease; Disease Progression; Dose; drug development; Drug Kinetics; effective therapy; Enzyme Inhibitor Drugs; Enzyme Inhibitors; Enzymes; Exclusion; extracellular; Fiber; Financial Support; Functional disorder; Goals; Grant; Half-Life; human disease; humanized antibody; humanized monoclonal antibodies; improved; in vitro Assay; Injection of therapeutic agent; instrument; Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus; Kinetics; Ligands; Light; Lipid Binding; Lipids; lysophosphatidic acid; Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptors; Lysophospholipids; Measures; Metabolic Pathway; Modeling; Modification; Monoclonal Antibodies; Motor; Mus; Nerve; Nerve Degeneration; nerve injury; Nervous System Trauma; Neural Conduction; Neuropathy; neutralizing antibody; neutralizing monoclonal antibodies; novel; novel therapeutics; oncology; Outcome; pain behavior; painful neuropathy; Pathway interactions; Pattern; pharmacodynamic model; Pharmacodynamics; Phase; Phase I Clinical Trials; Phospholipase A2; Plasma; Play; pre-clinical; Preclinical Testing; prevent; Process; programs; Property; public health medicine (field); public health relevance; Rattus; receptor; receptor expression; regenerative; Research; Role; Route; Sampling; sciatic nerve; Secondary to; Signal Pathway; Signal Transduction; Signaling Molecule; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; sphingosine 1-phosphate; Spinal cord injury; Streptozocin; subcutaneous; Technology; Testing; Therapeutic; Therapeutic Agents; Therapeutic antibodies; Therapeutic Intervention; United States; United States National Institutes of Health; Variant; Withdrawal
Phase II
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: 00/00/00 Completed: 00/00/00