Safety Studies for Clinical Trials of a Botanical Drug for Sickle Cell DiseaseAward last edited on: 1/31/18
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NHLBITotal Award Amount
$1,941,809Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
Robert SwiftCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43HL119086-01Start Date: 7/1/13 Completed: 1/31/14
Phase I year
2013Phase I Amount
$442,059Public Health Relevance:
This proposal supports development of a botanical to treat sickle cell disease in children. Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that affects ovr 100,000 persons in the U.S. Those affected often have high medical costs, a poor quality of life, and early death. The development of this drug addresses a critical unmet medical to treat this disease in children.
Project Terms:
Address; Adherence (attribute); Adult; Adverse effects; Affect; Africa; Age; Analgesics; Anemia; Animal Feed; Animals; Antineoplastic Agents; Attention; base; Biological Assay; Biological Markers; Blood flow; Body Weight; Bone Marrow Transplantation; Botanicals; Cell Shape; Cellular Structures; Cessation of life; Child; Chronic; Clinical Trials; Communities; cost; County Hospitals; Coupled; Data; Developing Countries; Development; Disease; Disease Progression; Domestic Animals; Dose; drug development; Drug usage; Eating; effective therapy; Erythrocytes; Event; FDA approved; Folic Acid; Funding; Genes; genotoxicity; Globin; Goals; Grant; Hematological Disease; Hemoglobin; Hereditary Disease; HIV; Human; hydroxyurea; Hyperviscosity; improved; In Vitro; in vivo; Infection; Infection prevention; Influenza vaccination; Inherited; International; intravenous injection; Iron Overload; Killings; Learning; Left; Legal patent; Leukocytes; Liquid substance; Manuscripts; Measures; Medical; Medical Care Costs; meetings; Molecular; Morbidity - disease rate; Mortality Vital Statistics; mouse model; Mus; Mutation; Neurocognitive; novel therapeutics; Oral; Organ; Organ failure; Oxygen; Pain; Pathogenesis; Penicillins; Persons; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Pharmacodynamics; Phase; Phase I Clinical Trials; polymerization; Polymers; Preparation; prevent; Procedures; Process; Property; public health relevance; Quality of life; Rattus; Reaction; Renal function; Research; response; Safety; Sickle Cell; Sickle Cell Anemia; sickling; Signs and Symptoms; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Sorghum (Plant); Spleen; stroke; Supportive care; Testing; Therapeutic Agents; Tissues; Toxic effect; Transfusion; Transgenic Organisms; Translating; United States; Variant; vascular inflammation; Venous blood sampling; Vulnerable Populations
Phase II
Contract Number: 2R44HL119086-02Start Date: 7/1/13 Completed: 7/31/17
Phase II year
2016(last award dollars: 2017)
Phase II Amount
$1,499,750Public Health Relevance Statement:
Public Health Relevance:
This proposal supports elucidation of the mechanism of action of a botanical drug to treat sickle cell disease. Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorde that affects over 100,000 persons in the U.S. Those affected often have high medical costs, a poor quality of life, and early death. The development of this drug addresses a critical unmet medical to treat this disease.
NIH Spending Category:
Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Dietary Supplements; Hematology; Nutrition; Orphan Drug; Pain Conditions - Chronic; Pain Research; Patient Safety; Pediatric; Rare Diseases; Sickle Cell Disease
Project Terms:
Address; Adult; Adverse effects; Affect; Age; Ames Assay; Analgesics; Anemia; Animals; Antineoplastic Agents; Applications Grants; beta Globin; Bilirubin; Blood; Blood flow; Blood Vessels; Bone Marrow Transplantation; Botanicals; Caring; Cattle; Cell Shape; Cessation of life; Child; Chronic; Clinical; Clinical Trials; cohort; cost; Coupled; Data; Developing Countries; Development; Direct Costs; Disease; Disease Progression; Dose; drug development; Drug usage; Effectiveness; Embryonic and Fetal Development; Erythrocytes; FDA approved; flexibility; Folic Acid; Funding; Genes; Goals; Grant; Hemoglobin; Hereditary Disease; Human; hydroxyurea; Hyperviscosity; Hypoxia; In Vitro; in vivo; Infection; Infection prevention; Influenza vaccination; Inherited; intravenous injection; Iron Overload; Left; Life; Liquid substance; Marketing; Medical; Medical Care Costs; Monitor; Morbidity - disease rate; mortality; Mutation; Neurocognitive; Nitrogen; No-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level; novel therapeutics; Oral; Organ; Organ failure; Oryctolagus cuniculus; Pain; Participant; Pathogenesis; Patients; Penicillins; Persons; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Pharmacotherapy; Phase; Phase II Clinical Trials; Phase III Clinical Trials; Plant Leaves; Polymers; Price; Primary Health Care; Procedures; Prophylactic treatment; public health relevance; Quality of life; Rattus; Reaction; Renal function; Research; Rodent; Safety; safety study; Sales; Sickle Cell; Sickle Cell Anemia; Sickle Hemoglobin; sickling; Signs and Symptoms; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Sorghum; Sorghum vulgare; Spleen; stroke; success; Supportive care; Teratology; Testing; Therapeutic Agents; Tissues; Toxic effect; Traditional Medicine; Transfusion; Translating; United States; Variant; Work