Reactivation of Human Cells for Novel Fully Human Ab Platform
Award last edited on: 12/19/14

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
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Principal Investigator
Rachel Hannah Kravitz

Company Information

NeoClone LLC (AKA: NeoClone Biotechnology International LLC)

1202 Ann Street
Madison, WI 53713
   (608) 260-8190
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Dane

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R43CA162789-01A1
Start Date: 9/1/12    Completed: 8/31/13
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have been developed into a highly effective class of therapeutic molecules, with global growth of 37% between 2001 and 2002. Since their discovery in 1975, mAbs have been described as "magic bullets" with the potential to seek out and target specific molecules and bind them with high affinity. Early treatment efforts using rodent systems to develop mAbs for use in humans proved ineffective due to the strong immune responses they elicit in humans, limiting their half life in the body and potentially causing anaphylaxis. Strategies to overcome this obstacle have included humanization of rodent-derived mAbs and development of fully hu-mAbs. There are 24 mAb therapeutics on the market, and mAbs account for more than 25% of the current drugs in the FDA pipeline and ~50% of all new drug launches. Current technologies for hu- mAb development are sub-optimal in that the therapeutics derived from these approaches are either 1) not fully human resulting in increased toxicity, or 2) require several rounds of maturation due to achieve high affinity resulting in longer, more costly development. The goal of this Phase I proposal is to adapt our patented murine reactivation platform to human B cells immunized in the context of the SCID-huPBL mouse, ultimately leading to a new method (human reactivation) for the development of fully-human mAbs. Reactivation is the technology for selecting, enriching, and amplifying human high affinity antibody producing cells preferentially. Successful completion of this proposal will result in the rapid, efficient, and cos effective development of fully-human high affinitity mAbs, increasing the accessibility of these reagents to drug discovery researchers investigating cancer and other deadly diseases.

Public Health Relevance:
Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies are emerging as one of the most effective targeted drug approaches for disease treatment. NeoClone is proposing to adapt its successful monoclonal antibody reactivation technology to enable development of fully-human therapeutic monoclonal antibodies. Successful completion of this grant will demonstrate the feasibility of developing high affinity fully-human therapeutic monoclonal antibodies at low cost, that can be broadly used to treat a variety of diseases, ranging from cancer to infectious disease. The availability of such a powerful therapeutic development platform will provide immense economic benefit by reducing costs associated with drug development, and ultimately lowering healthcare costs while improving the patients' outcome.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies are emerging as one of the most effective targeted drug approaches for disease treatment. NeoClone is proposing to adapt its successful monoclonal antibody reactivation technology to enable development of fully-human therapeutic monoclonal antibodies. Successful completion of this grant will demonstrate the feasibility of developing high affinity fully-human therapeutic monoclonal antibodies at low cost, that can be broadly used to treat a variety of diseases, ranging from cancer to infectious disease. The availability of such a powerful therapeutic development platform will provide immense economic benefit by reducing costs associated with drug development, and ultimately lowering healthcare costs while improving the patients' outcome.

NIH Spending Category:
Biotechnology; Cancer; Immunization; Vaccine Related

Project Terms:
Accounting; Address; Affinity; Allergic Reaction; Anaphylaxis; Antibodies; Antibody Affinity; Antibody-Producing Cells; Antigen Targeting; Antigens; Autoimmune Process; B-Lymphocytes; Binding (Molecular Function); Biological Assay; Biotechnology; Cells; Clinical; Communicable Diseases; cost; Custom; cytokine; Development; Disease; Drug Delivery Systems; drug development; drug discovery; Early treatment; Economics; Eligibility Determination; Engraftment; Evaluation; Goals; Government; Grant; Growth; Half-Life; Harvest; Health Care Costs; Human; human monoclonal antibodies; Immune response; Immunization; Immunoglobulin Class Switching; Immunoglobulins; improved; In Vitro; innovation; innovative technologies; Interferometry; International; Legal patent; Lymphocyte; Magic; Malignant Neoplasms; Marketing; Measurable; meetings; Metabolic Clearance Rate; Methods; Modeling; Monoclonal Antibodies; Mus; novel; novel therapeutics; Outcome; Patients; Persons; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Phase; Positioning Attribute; Process; Productivity; Protocols documentation; Reagent; Relative (related person); Research; Research Personnel; Rodent; S100A9 gene; Screening procedure; Spleen; Splenocyte; Staging; success; System; Technology; Testing; Therapeutic; Therapeutic Agents; therapeutic development; Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies; TimeLine; Toxic effect; Wages

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount