Development of Ultrafine Particles for Intranasal Delivery of Antipsychotics
Award last edited on: 5/2/19

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Principal Investigator
Sandra Edith Noriega

Company Information

LNKChemsolutions LLC

6401 Alpine Road
Denton, NE 68339
   (402) 416-1811

Research Institution

University of Chicago

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R41MH098521-01
Start Date: 9/13/12    Completed: 2/28/14
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The goal of the proposed project is to develop a biocompatible ultrafine particle-based vector system for the intranasal delivery of clozapine for the pharmacological therapy of treatment- resistant schizophrenic disorders and their associated suicidal behavior. The rationale behind the use of intranasal clozapine is grounded on the observation of clozapine's extensive first- pass metabolism associated with buccal intake, clozapine's extensive binding to plasma proteins, its short elimination half-life, the absence of significantly active metabolites, and the potentially serious side effects brought about by the high oral doses required for therapeutic benefit. The LNK Chemsolutions LLC/University of Chicago team will use a series of particle design tools, in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro methods to develop the seminal Phase-I level research. Electrohydrodynamic methods will be used to design particles with well-defined sizes and drug payloads, using three different polymers. In vitro drug release examinations will be complemented by muco-adhesive tests, and ex vivo (swine nasal membrane) drug permeation studies. These will guide in vivo (mouse model) studies aimed at elucidating particle and drug transport.

Public Health Relevance:
In this SBIR Phase I grant application, LNK Chemsolutions LLC and the University of Chicago researchers are partnering to develop an intranasal drug delivery platform for one anti-psychotic drug. In vitro and in vivo studies will be performed to investigate the potential of the proposed approach.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
In this SBIR Phase I grant application, LNK Chemsolutions LLC and the University of Chicago researchers are partnering to develop an intranasal drug delivery platform for one anti-psychotic drug. In vitro and in vivo studies will be performed to investigate the potential of the proposed approach.

NIH Spending Category:
Bioengineering; Brain Disorders; Mental Health; Nanotechnology; Schizophrenia

Project Terms:
Adhesions; Adhesives; Adverse effects; Animals; Antipsychotic Agents; Applications Grants; base; Binding (Molecular Function); Biocompatible; Biodegradation; Blood; Brain; Bypass; Chicago; Clozapine; Complement; controlled release; cytotoxicity test; design; Development; Dose; drug clearance; Drug Delivery Systems; Drug Transport; Evaluation Studies; Family suidae; Frequencies (time pattern); Goals; Half-Life; Image; In Vitro; in vivo; Intake; Intranasal Administration; Liver; Lung; Membrane; Metabolism; Methods; Mind; Modality; Modeling; mouse model; nanofabrication; nanoparticle; Nose; Oral; particle; Particle Size; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Phase; Plasma Proteins; Polymers; Postdoctoral Fellow; Production; Research; Research Personnel; Resistance; Saline; Schizophrenia; Seminal; Series; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Staging; suicidal behavior; Suspension substance; Suspensions; System; Technology; Testing; Therapeutic; tool; ultrafine particle; Universities; vector

Phase II

Contract Number: 5R41MH098521-02
Start Date: 9/13/12    Completed: 8/28/14
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The goal of the proposed project is to develop a biocompatible ultrafine particle-based vector system for the intranasal delivery of clozapine for the pharmacological therapy of treatment- resistant schizophrenic disorders and their associated suicidal behavior. The rationale behind the use of intranasal clozapine is grounded on the observation of clozapine's extensive first- pass metabolism associated with buccal intake, clozapine's extensive binding to plasma proteins, its short elimination half-life, the absence of significantly active metabolites, and the potentially serious side effects brought about by the high oral doses required for therapeutic benefit. The LNK Chemsolutions LLC/University of Chicago team will use a series of particle design tools, in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro methods to develop the seminal Phase-I level research. Electrohydrodynamic methods will be used to design particles with well-defined sizes and drug payloads, using three different polymers. In vitro drug release examinations will be complemented by muco-adhesive tests, and ex vivo (swine nasal membrane) drug permeation studies. These will guide in vivo (mouse model) studies aimed at elucidating particle and drug transport.

Public Health Relevance Statement:

Public Health Relevance:
In this SBIR Phase I grant application, LNK Chemsolutions LLC and the University of Chicago researchers are partnering to develop an intranasal drug delivery platform for one anti-psychotic drug. In vitro and in vivo studies will be performed to investigate the potential of the proposed approach.

NIH Spending Category:
Bioengineering; Brain Disorders; Mental Health; Nanotechnology; Schizophrenia

Project Terms:
Adhesions; Adhesives; Adverse effects; Animals; Antipsychotic Agents; Applications Grants; base; Binding (Molecular Function); Biocompatible; Biodegradation; Blood; Brain; Bypass; Chicago; Clozapine; Complement; controlled release; cytotoxicity test; design; Development; Dose; drug clearance; Drug Delivery Systems; Drug Transport; Evaluation Studies; Family suidae; Frequencies (time pattern); Goals; Half-Life; Image; In Vitro; in vivo; Intake; Intranasal Administration; Liver; Lung; Membrane; Metabolism; Methods; Mind; Modality; Modeling; mouse model; nanofabrication; nanoparticle; Nose; Oral; particle; Particle Size; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Phase; Plasma Proteins; Polymers; Postdoctoral Fellow; Production; public health relevance; Research; Research Personnel; Resistance; Saline; Schizophrenia; Seminal; Series; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Staging; suicidal behavior; Suspension substance; Suspensions; System; Technology; Testing; Therapeutic; tool; ultrafine particle; Universities; vector