A Percutaneous Ultrasound-Guided Catheter for Organ and Vascular Access
Award last edited on: 1/11/2022

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Christopher Dykes

Company Information

Perceptive Navigation LLC

855 North Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MD 21210

Research Institution

University of Southern California

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R41HL093879-01A2
Start Date: 7/15/2011    Completed: 6/30/2012
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Safe and reliable access to major blood vessels and internal organs will be beneficial to patients with cardiovascular disease and cancer. An interventional catheter with ultrasound imaging capability will be developed to enable image-guided access to blood vessels and internal organs. Computer simulations and preliminary data using a transducer similar to that proposed for the study suggest a high likelihood of success. This Phase 1 STTR proposal seeks to develop a working prototype of the device and demonstrate feasibility of the device in its exemplary clinical uses in in-vitro gel phantoms. We will build a high frequency, small aperture forward viewing ultrasound transducer, characterize it and test it with various iterations of plastic multi-lumen catheters in a standardized gel phantom. In particular, studies will seek to demonstrate the device ability to track the device tip in real-time and guide it to specific targets in the gel phantom. This phase 1 proposal will provide proof of concept and select the best candidate prototype for phase 2 studies. No such device is currently available in the market and the successful development of a clinically implementable device has immense commercial potential by its ability to contribute significantly to the advancement and expansion of minimally invasive medical procedures.

Public Health Relevance:
This Phase 1 STTR proposal seeks to develop a working prototype of an ultrasound guided, interventional device and to demonstrate feasibility of the device in particular exemplary clinical uses in in-vitro gel phantoms.

Thesaurus Terms:
Adverse Effects;Affect;American;Anatomic;Anatomical Sciences;Anatomy;Angiogram;Angiography;Animal Model;Animal Models And Related Studies;Animals;Anticoagulation;Area;Arteries;Biopsy;Bleeding;Blood Vessels;Body Surface;Cancer Patient;Cancerous;Cancers;Cardiac Diseases;Cardiac Disorders;Cardiovascular Diseases;Catheters;Cells;Cessation Of Life;Clinical;Clinical Trials;Complication;Computer Models;Computer Simulation;Computer Based Simulation;Computerized Models;Data;Death;Death Rate;Development;Devices;Diagnosis;Diagnostic;Diagnostic Tests;Disease;Disorder;Drugs;Early Diagnosis;Echography;Echotomography;Elements;Evaluation;Food And Drug Administration;Frequencies (Time Pattern);Frequency;Gel;Goals;Hand;Health;Healthcare;Heart;Heart Diseases;Hemorrhage;Image;Imagery;In Vitro;Intellectual Property;Intervention;Intervention Strategies;Interventional Ultrasonography;Interventional Ultrasound;Investigators;Loinc Axis 4 System;Lead;Legal Patent;Lesion;Life;Location;Malignant Neoplasms;Malignant Tumor;Marketing;Mathematical Model Simulation;Mathematical Models And Simulations;Medical;Medical Ultrasound;Medication;Needles;Obesity;Operative Procedures;Operative Surgical Procedures;Organ;Patents;Patients;Pb Element;Penetration;Peripheral;Pharmaceutic Preparations;Pharmaceutical Preparations;Phase;Plastics;Procedures;Productivity;Puncture Procedure;Punctures;Radiation Therapy;Radiotherapeutics;Radiotherapy;Research;Research Design;Research Personnel;Researchers;Sttr;Safety;Sales;Sampling Errors;Science;Secure;Small Business Technology Transfer Research;Solid;Solutions;Staging;Structure;Study Type;Surgical;Surgical Interventions;Surgical Procedure;System;Target Populations;Technology;Testing;Time;Timeline;Transducers;Treatment Side Effects;Usfda;Ultrasonic Imaging;Ultrasonic Transducer;Ultrasonogram;Ultrasonography;Ultrasound Diagnosis;Ultrasound Medical Imaging;Ultrasound Test;Ultrasound Transducer;United States Food And Drug Administration;Venous;Visualization;Work;Adiposity;Blood Loss;Cardiovascular Disorder;Clinical Investigation;Computational Modeling;Computational Models;Computational Simulation;Computer Based Models;Computerized Modeling;Computerized Simulation;Corpulence;Corpulency;Corpulentia;Developmental;Diagnostic Ultrasound;Disease/Disorder;Drug/Agent;Early Detection;Experience;Health Care;Heart Disorder;Heavy Metal Pb;Heavy Metal Lead;Imaging;Imaging Probe;In Silico;Innovate;Innovation;Innovative;Instrument;Interest;Interventional Strategy;Malignancy;Minimally Invasive;Model Organism;Neoplasm/Cancer;Obese;Obese People;Obese Person;Obese Population;Phase 2 Study;Phase Ii Study;Product Development;Prototype;Side Effect;Sonogram;Sonography;Sound Measurement;Study Design;Success;Surgery;Therapy Adverse Effect;Treatment Adverse Effect;Ultrasound;Ultrasound Imaging;Ultrasound Scanning;Vascular;Virtual Simulation

Phase II

Contract Number: 2R42HL093879-02A1
Start Date: 7/1/2008    Completed: 11/30/2016
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2021)
Phase II Amount

Safe and reliable access to major blood vessels and internal organs will be beneficial to patients with cardiovascular disease and cancer. An interventional catheter with forward viewing ultrasound imaging capability will be developed to enable image-guided access to blood vessels and internal organs. Phase 1 experiments demonstrate feasibility of building a high resolution, forward viewing ultrasound array and its ability to yield clinical quality images of ex-vivo tissue. This Phase 2 SBIR proposal seeks to build on the Phase 1 results and develop a clinical prototype of the device. Furthermore, we will demonstrate feasibility and safety of the device in its exemplary clinical uses in pre- clinical testing and in proof of concept human studies. We will build a high frequency, small aperture forward viewing ultrasound transducer, characterize it and test it with various iterations of plastc multi-lumen catheters in experimental models and humans. In particular, studies will seek to demonstrate the device ability to track the device tip in real-time and guide it to specific target in the model and human studies. This phase 2 proposal will provide experimental, pre-clinical and clinical proof of concept and requisite data to select the best candidate prototype for clinica use and will position the device for regulatory approval and sale. No such device is currently available in the market and the successful development of a clinically implementable device has immense commercial potential by its ability to contribute significantly to the advancement and expansion of minimally invasive medical procedures.

Public Health Relevance Statement:

Public Health Relevance:
This Phase 2 SBIR proposal seeks to develop a clinical prototype of an ultrasound guided, interventional device and to demonstrate feasibility and safety of the device for particular exemplary clinical uses in experimental models and pilot human testing.

Project Terms:
Adoption; base; Bathing; Biological; Biopsy; Bladder; Blood Vessels; body system; Cannulations; Capital; Cardiovascular Diseases; Caring; Catheters; Cessation of life; Clinical; clinical practice; commercial application; Complication; cost; Coupled; Data; design; Development; Devices; Diagnosis; Diagnostic; Disease; Disease Management; Drainage procedure; Elements; Emergency Situation; Evaluation; Experimental Models; Family suidae; femoral artery; Femoral vein; Frequencies (time pattern); Funding; Goals; Hand; Heart; Heart Diseases; Human; Image; image guided intervention; Imagery; improved; in vivo; Infection; innovation; instrument; Interventional Ultrasonography; Kidney; Legal patent; Life; Liquid substance; Liver; liver biopsy; Liver diseases; Local Therapy; Lung; Lung diseases; Magnetic Resonance; Malignant Neoplasms; Marketing; Mechanics; Medical; minimally invasive; Modeling; Needles; novel; Organ; Outcome; patient safety; Patients; Pericardial body location; Pericardiocentesis; Phase; Physicians; Pleural; point of care; Population; Positioning Attribute; pre-clinical; Procedures; product development; Productivity; prototype; public health medicine (field); public health relevance; research clinical testing; research study; Resolution; Safety; safety testing; Sales; Site; Skin; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Source; Structure; success; Surveys; System; Techniques; Technology; Testing; Time; Tissues; Transducers; Ultrasonic Transducer; Ultrasonography; United States; United States Food and Drug Administration; Validation; Water; whole body imaging; X-Ray Computed Tomography