A Protein Biologic For The Treatment Of SepsisAward last edited on: 8/30/10
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NIAIDTotal Award Amount
$189,531Award Phase
1Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
Rafal M SmigrodzkiCompany Information
GenciaBiotech (AKA: Gencia, LLC~)
706 Forrest Street Suite B
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Charlottesville, VA 22903
(434) 295-4800 |
info@genciabiotech.com |
www.genciabiotech.com |
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Charlottesville city
Congr. District: 05
County: Charlottesville city
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43AI091101-01Start Date: 8/1/10 Completed: 7/31/11
Phase I year
2010Phase I Amount
$189,531Public Health Relevance:
The aims carried out under this proposal will show feasibility for rhTFAM as a treatment for Sepsis. Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response to infection and other severe stressors, and is the leading cause of death in the ICU setting, responsible for 215,000 fatalities per year in the US. Despite growing understanding of the pathomechanism of sepsis, treatment options are still limited primarily to antibiotics, glucocorticoids, and supportive measures.
Thesaurus Terms:
"adverse Effects; Animal Model; Animal Models And Related Studies; Antibiotic Agents; Antibiotic Drugs; Antibiotics; Biogenesis; Body Tissues; Cause Of Death; Cell Death; Cessation Of Life; Closure By Ligation; Complex; Consensus; Death; Dose; Dysfunction; Functional Disorder; Glucocorticoids; Hepatic Cells; Hepatic Parenchymal Cell; Hepatocyte; Hour; Human; Human, General; Hypoxia; Hypoxic; Inflm; Immunosuppression Effect; Immunosuppressions (Physiology); Immunosuppressive Effect; Infection; Inflammation; Inflammatory Response; Ligation; Literature; Liver Cells; Mammals, Mice; Man (Taxonomy); Man, Modern; Measures; Mice; Miscellaneous Antibiotic; Mitochondria; Modeling; Morbidity; Morbidity - Disease Rate; Mortality; Mortality Vital Statistics; Murine; Mus; Natural Immunosuppression; Organ; Organ Failure; Origin Of Life; Output; Oxygen Consumption; Oxygen Deficiency; Phase; Physiopathology; Process; Production; Proteins; Puncture Procedure; Punctures; Recombinants; Running; Sbir; Sbirs (R43/44); Sepsis; Small Business Innovation Research; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Speed; Speed (Motion); Staging; Testing; Therapeutic Glucocorticoid; Tissues; Treatment Side Effects; Work; Aged; Bloodstream Infection; Clinical Applicability; Clinical Application; Experiment; Experimental Research; Experimental Study; Gene Product; Immunosuppression; Improved; Mitochondrial; Mitochondrial Dysfunction; Mitochondrial Transcription Factor A; Model Organism; Mttf1 Mitochondrial Transcription Factor 1; Mttf1 Transcription Factor; Necrocytosis; Overexpression; Pathophysiology; Public Health Relevance; Research Study; Side Effect; Stressor; Therapy Adverse Effect; Transcription Factor; Treatment Adverse Effect"
Phase II
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: 00/00/00 Completed: 00/00/00