Long-Term Sensing in the Brain Using Sub-Cellular Edge Electrode Arrays
Award last edited on: 4/14/19

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Principal Investigator
Daryl R Kipke

Company Information

NeuroNexus Technologies Inc

655 Fairfield Court Suite 100
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
   (734) 913-8858

Research Institution

University of Michigan

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R41NS067874-01
Start Date: 2/1/10    Completed: 1/31/11
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Next generation neural probe technology must enable neuroscientists to bridge the gap between neurons and neuronal pools to fully understand the orchestrated 'temporal dynamics' of the brain. This will require high-density, stable recordings in longitudinal experiments. Similarly, next generation brain machine interfaces (BMI) must improve longevity and reliability of the recorded neural signals if translation of the research technology to the clinical realm is to be successful. Long-term signal degradation is widely believed to be directly related to cellular reactivity in the presence of the neural probe. The sub-cellular edge electrode array (or [QOUTA]SEE[QOUTA] probe) was designed to mitigate the cellular reactivity evident in conventional microelectrode designs and thereby address the longevity and stability issues of recording technology. The SEE design concept hypothesized that if a structural feature size is smaller than a reactive cell body (<7
Public Health Relevance:
The primary objective of the proposed work is to develop and validate a microelectrode technology that has shown great promise in improving biocompatibility. This work will microfabricate a novel biomimetic design, the [QOUTA]sub-cellular edge electrode[QOUTA] array, and provide subsequent long-term validation in animal studies. Animal studies are expected to show improved electrophysiological recording quality, stability, and longevity. Such microelectrode technology will enable neuroscientists and clinicians to achieve long-term sensing in the brain, which would greatly improve our understanding of healthy brain function and offer new opportunities for those suffering from neurological disorders such as spinal cord injury, epilepsy, or ALS.

Thesaurus Terms:
Acute; Address; Adhesions; Amputees; Animals; Biomimetics; Body Tissues; Brain; Cell Body; Cell Communication And Signaling; Cell Signaling; Cells; Cessation Of Life; Chronic; Clinical; Data Set; Dataset; Death; Defect; Devices; Electrical Impedance; Electrodes; Electrodes, Miniaturized; Electron Microscopy; Electrophysiology; Electrophysiology (Science); Encephalon; Encephalons; Engineering; Engineerings; Epilepsy; Epileptic Seizures; Epileptics; Evaluation; Figs; Figs - Dietary; Foreign Bodies; Goals; Histology; Hortega Cell; Impedance; Implant; Intracellular Communication And Signaling; Laboratories; Lead; Learning; Length Of Life; Longevity; Measurement; Mechanical Stress; Mechanics; Memory; Metric; Michigan; Microelectrodes; Microfabrication; Microglia; Mimetics, Biological; Modification; Mother Cells; Myelopathy, Traumatic; Nerve Cells; Nerve Unit; Nervous; Nervous System Diseases; Nervous System, Brain; Neural Cell; Neurocyte; Neurologic Disorders; Neurological Disorders; Neurons; Neurophysiology / Electrophysiology; Neurosciences; Noise; Optics; Outcome Measure; Patients; Pb Element; Performance; Phase; Preparation; Prevention; Process; Progenitor Cells; Proxy; Relative; Relative (Related Person); Research; Resolution; Science Of Neurophysiology; Seizure Disorder; Side; Signal Transduction; Signal Transduction Systems; Signaling; Site; Spinal Column; Spinal Cord Trauma; Spinal Trauma; Spinal Cord Injured; Spinal Cord Injuries; Spinal Cord Injury; Spine; Stem Cells; Stress Tests; Structure; Surface; Technology; Testing; Thick; Thickness; Time; Tissues; Translating; Translatings; Translational Research; Translational Research Enterprise; Translational Science; Universities; Validation; Vertebral Column; Work; Attenuation; Backbone; Biocompatibility; Biological Signal Transduction; Biomaterial Compatibility; Brain Machine Interface; Cell Body (Neuron); Clinical Applicability; Clinical Application; Deep Brain Stimulator; Density; Design; Designing; Electric Impedance; Epilepsia; Epileptiform; Epileptogenic; Experience; Experiment; Experimental Research; Experimental Study; Gitter Cell; Heavy Metal Pb; Heavy Metal Lead; Improved; In Vivo; Innovate; Innovation; Innovative; Language Translation; Life Span; Lifespan; Mesoglia; Metrology; Microglial Cell; Microgliocyte; Motor Control; Nervous System Disorder; Neural; Neural Cell Body; Neurological Disease; Neuronal; Neuronal Cell Body; Neurophysiology; Next Generation; Novel; Parylene; Perivascular Glial Cell; Poly(Chloro-P-Xylylene); Prevent; Preventing; Prototype; Public Health Relevance; Relating To Nervous System; Research Study; Response; Sensory System; Soma; Systems Research; Technology Development; Tool; Translation Research Enterprise; Usability

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount