Feasibility of a Web-Based Collaborative Care Support(Sm)Model to Improve Care Fo
Award last edited on: 7/21/2010

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Jan Swaney

Company Information

Longitude Health Inc

2311 Wilkes Street Suite 220
Columbia, MO 65201
   (573) 234-6500
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 04
County: Boone

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R43DK083847-01A1
Start Date: 5/1/2010    Completed: 4/30/2011
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Diabetes costs the United States an estimated $174 billion annually. About two-thirds of costs arise from direct medical expenditures, and the remainder accrues from disability, work loss, and premature mortality. Associated cardiovascular comorbidities result in further mortality and morbidity; seventy-five percent (75%) of patients with diabetes also have hypertension, and heart disease is a contributing cause on 68% of diabetes-related death certificates. The cardiovascular complications of diabetes can be significantly reduced with appropriate lifestyle modification and primary and secondary preventive care; yet in the current practice environment, primary care providers find it difficult to deliver the comprehensive education and behavioral support needed to ensure adequate risk factor reduction. If patients are to receive better quality of care for this complex, chronic disease, then a model of planned care that better supports behavioral approaches to risk reduction and is integrated with the primary care practice workflow is needed. We propose to test the feasibility of Collaborative Care SupportSM (CCS), a web-based communication platform coupled with personal health guidance that enrolls adult patients who have type 2 diabetes and at least one other cardiovascular risk factor (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and/or smoking) in a collaborative, patient-centered, behaviorally-based intervention that integrates with primary care provider workflows to improve patient activation. Previous attempts to empower patients have included disease management and self-management support, but these programs do not involve the primary care provider and are not accessible to many because of limitations their limited availability.. Because it is important that fragmented care is replaced by planned and coordinated care where possible, CCS is likely to meet with more success than traditional disease management and self-management support.

Public Health Relevance:
CCS has the potential to improve the care for patients with diabetes type 2 and its co- morbidities and to be useful for other common chronic conditions, as well. Because chronic illnesses account for 75% of current health expenditures, this model of care support, scalable to primary care practices, has the potential to significantly improve the health of the population while decreasing care fragmentation. Self-funded employers and other healthcare stakeholders who traditionally purchase and/or develop disease management and self-management support programs will be targeted to purchase this innovative model of patient support.

Thesaurus Terms:
21+ Years Old; Accounting; Address; Adherence; Adherence (Attribute); Adopted; Adult; Assessment, Process; Behavior Conditioning Therapy; Behavior Modification; Behavior Therapy; Behavior Treatment; Behavior Or Life Style Modifications; Behavioral; Behavioral Conditioning Therapy; Behavioral Modification; Behavioral Therapy; Behavioral Treatment; Blood Pressure, High; Cardiovascular; Cardiovascular Body System; Cardiovascular System; Cardiovascular System (All Sites); Care, Health; Caring; Chronic; Chronic Disease; Chronic Illness; Client Satisfaction; Communication; Comorbidity; Complex; Complications Of Diabetes Mellitus; Conditioning Therapy; Coupled; Data; Data Collection; Death Certificates; Diabetes Complications; Diabetes Mellitus; Diabetes Mellitus, Adult-Onset; Diabetes Mellitus, Ketosis-Resistant; Diabetes Mellitus, Non-Insulin-Dependent; Diabetes Mellitus, Noninsulin Dependent; Diabetes Mellitus, Slow-Onset; Diabetes Mellitus, Stable; Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2; Diabetes Mellitus, Type Ii; Diabetes-Related Complications; Diabetic Complications; Diagnosis; Disease Management; Disorder Management; Education; Educational Aspects; Enrollment; Ensure; Environment; Expenditure; Funding; Health; Health Expenditures; Healthcare; Human, Adult; Hyperlipemia; Hyperlipidemia; Hypertension; Intervention; Intervention Strategies; Life Style Modification; Mody; Maturity-Onset Diabetes Mellitus; Medical; Method Loinc Axis 6; Methodology; Modeling; Morbidity; Morbidity - Disease Rate; Mortality; Mortality Vital Statistics; Niddm; Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes; Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus; On-Line Systems; Online Systems; Organ System, Cardiovascular; Prov; Patient Care; Patient Care Delivery; Patient Satisfaction; Patients; Premature Mortality; Preventive; Primary Care; Primary Health Care; Primary Healthcare; Process; Process Assessment (Health Care); Programs (Pt); Programs [publication Type]; Provider; Qoc; Quality Of Care; Risk Factors; Risk Reduction; Self Management; Services; Smoking; Staging; System; System, Loinc Axis 4; T2d; T2dm; Testing; Time; Type 2 Diabetes; Type Ii Diabetes; United States; Vascular Hypertensive Disease; Vascular Hypertensive Disorder; Vascular, Heart; Work; Adult Human (21+); Adult Onset Diabetes; Base; Behavior Intervention; Behavioral Intervention; Cardiac Hypertension; Cardiovascular Risk; Cardiovascular Risk Factor; Care Systems; Chronic Care Model; Chronic Disease/Disorder; Chronic Disorder; Circulatory System; Collaborative Care; Cost; Diabetes; Disability; Empowered; Enroll; Evidence Base; Health Care Expenditure; Heart Disease Hypertension; Heart Disorder Hypertension; Heart Hypertension; Hyperpiesia; Hyperpiesis; Hypertensive Cardiomyopathy; Hypertensive Disease; Hypertensive Heart Disease; Hypertensive Heart Disorder; Improved; Innovate; Innovation; Innovative; Intervention Effect; Interventional Strategy; Ketosis Resistant Diabetes; Maturity Onset Diabetes; Meetings; Online Computer; Patient Centered; Patient Oriented; Population Health; Programs; Public Health Relevance; Satisfaction; Success; Web Based

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount