The Development of a Low-Cost, Quantitative Skin Imaging CameraAward last edited on: 2/22/2019
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NIATotal Award Amount
$2,187,736Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
David J CucciaCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43RR030696-01Start Date: 6/1/2010 Completed: 5/31/2012
Phase I year
2010Phase I Amount
$348,297Public Health Relevance:
We propose to exploit a novel imaging technique known as Modulated Imaging (MI) to develop an improved, hand-held digital camera system for dermatology applications that will provide more accurate color rendition and tissue health status then what is currently available. This camera will enable doctors to make better assessments during per-treatment planning and post- treatment evaluation, leading to cost-effective and improved patient care.
Thesaurus Terms:
Accounting; After Care; After-Treatment; Aftercare; Area; Biochemical; Biological; Biomedical Technology; Bite; Body Tissues; Characteristics; Clinical Evaluation; Clinical Testing; Color; Dependence; Dermatology; Development; Development And Research; Devices; Diagnostic; Digital Photography; Disease Progression; Documentation; Economics; Electromagnetic, Laser; Environment; Evaluation; Fats; Fatty Acid Glycerol Esters; Feasibility Studies; Feedback; Frequencies (Time Pattern); Frequency; Funding; Goals; Grant; Hand; Health; Health Status; Hemoglobin; Hydrogen Oxide; Illumination; Image; Imaging Procedures; Imaging Techniques; Imaging Technology; Instrumentation, Other; Laboratories; Lasers; Level Of Health; Light; Lighting; Malignant Skin Neoplasm; Malignant Tumor Of The Skin; Measurement; Measures; Medical; Melanins; Melanoma And Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer; Metric; Modeling; Monitor; Operation; Operative Procedures; Operative Surgical Procedures; Optics; Patient Care; Patient Care Delivery; Pattern; Performance; Phase; Photoradiation; Physiologic; Physiological; Procedures; Programs (Pt); Programs [publication Type]; Property; Property, Loinc Axis 2; Qoc; Quality Of Care; R & D; R&D; Radiation, Laser; Recommendation; Reconstructive Surgical Procedures; Reproducibility; Research; Research Resources; Resolution; Resources; Simulate; Skin; Skin Cancer; Skin Cancer, Including Melanoma; Source; Structure; Surgical; Surgical Interventions; Surgical Procedure; System; System, Loinc Axis 4; Technics, Imaging; Technology; Testing; Therapeutic; Time; Tissue Viability; Tissues; Treatment Outcome; Underserved Population; Water; Weight; Wound Healing; Wound Repair; Analytical Tool; Base; Chromophore; Clinical Test; Computer Imaging; Cost; Design; Designing; Digital; Digital Imaging; Imaging; Imaging Modality; Improved; In Vivo; Instrumentation; Models And Simulation; Novel; Optic Imaging; Optical Imaging; Portability; Programs; Prototype; Public Health Relevance; Reconstructive Surgery; Research And Development; Research Clinical Testing; Response; Surgery; Systems Research; Tissue Phantom; Tissue Repair; Treatment Planning; Under Served Population; Underserved People
Phase II
Contract Number: 5R43RR030696-02Start Date: 6/1/2010 Completed: 5/31/2012
Phase II year
2011(last award dollars: 2018)
Phase II Amount
$1,839,439Public Health Relevance:
We propose to exploit a novel imaging technique known as Modulated Imaging (MI) to develop an improved, hand-held digital camera system for dermatology applications that will provide more accurate color rendition and tissue health status then what is currently available. This camera will enable doctors to make better assessments during per-treatment planning and post- treatment evaluation, leading to cost-effective and improved patient care.
Thesaurus Terms:
Accounting;After Care;After-Treatment;Aftercare;Area;Biochemical;Biological;Biomedical Technology;Body Tissues;Characteristics;Clinical Evaluation;Clinical Testing;Color;Dependence;Dermatology;Development;Development And Research;Devices;Diagnostic;Digital Photography;Disease Progression;Documentation;Economics;Electromagnetic, Laser;Environment;Evaluation;Fats;Fatty Acid Glycerol Esters;Feasibility Studies;Feedback;Frequencies (Time Pattern);Frequency;Funding;Goals;Grant;Hand;Health;Health Status;Hemoglobin;Hydrogen Oxide;Illumination;Image;Imaging Device;Imaging Procedures;Imaging Techniques;Imaging Tool;Imaging Technology;Instrumentation, Other;Laboratories;Lasers;Level Of Health;Light;Lighting;Malignant Skin Neoplasm;Malignant Tumor Of The Skin;Measurement;Measures;Medical;Melanins;Melanoma And Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer;Metric;Modeling;Monitor;Ncrr;Nih;National Center For Research Resources;National Institutes Of Health;National Institutes Of Health (U.S.);Operation;Operative Procedures;Operative Surgical Procedures;Optics;Patient Care;Patient Care Delivery;Pattern;Performance;Phase;Photoradiation;Physiologic;Physiological;Procedures;Programs (Pt);Programs [publication Type];Property;Property, Loinc Axis 2;Qoc;Quality Of Care;R &D;R&D;Radiation, Laser;Recommendation;Reconstructive Surgical Procedures;Reproducibility;Research;Research Resources;Resolution;Resources;Simulate;Skin;Skin Cancer;Skin Cancer, Including Melanoma;Source;Structure;Surgical;Surgical Interventions;Surgical Procedure;System;System, Loinc Axis 4;Technics, Imaging;Technology;Testing;Therapeutic;Time;Tissue Viability;Tissues;Treatment Outcome;Underserved Population;United States National Institutes Of Health;Water;Weight;Wound Healing;Wound Repair;Analytical Tool;Base;Chromophore;Clinical Test;Computer Imaging;Cost;Cost Effective;Design;Designing;Digital;Digital Imaging;Imaging;Imaging Modality;Improved;In Vivo;Instrumentation;Model;Models And Simulation;Novel;Optic Imaging;Optical Imaging;Portability;Programs;Prototype;Public Health Relevance;Reconstructive Surgery;Research And Development;Research Clinical Testing;Response;Surgery;Systems Research;Tissue Phantom;Tissue Repair;Treatment Planning;Under Served Population;Underserved People