N-Methanocarbathymidine (N-Mct) for the Treatment of Herpes and Pox Virus InfectiAward last edited on: 12/24/14
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NIAIDTotal Award Amount
$3,479,710Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
Aquilur RahmanCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43AI078540-01A2Start Date: 9/15/09 Completed: 8/31/11
Phase I year
2009Phase I Amount
$300,000Public Health Relevance:
Diseases associated with the Poxviridae genus of dsDNA viruses (smallpox, vaccinia and cowpox viruses, as well as the Herpesviridae (HSV-1, HSV-2, HSV-8, VZV, EBV, CMV) and Papillomaviridae (HPV) genera, represent major worldwide public health problems. The broad-spectrum orally bioavailable antiviral drug being developed by N&N Scientific, Inc. is N-methanocarbathymidine (N-MCT) that has exhibited substantial activity against herpes and pox viruses and drug-resistant variants in vivo at doses that have not produced any general cytotoxicity in mice. These unique pharmacological characteristics suggest that N-MCT would be an ideal candidate for further preclinical studies that lead to an IND and clinical trials, and the funds sought will help significantly in furthering its development.
Public Health Relevance Statement:
Diseases associated with the Poxviridae genus of dsDNA viruses (smallpox, vaccinia and cowpox viruses, as well as the Herpesviridae (HSV-1, HSV-2, HSV-8, VZV, EBV, CMV) and Papillomaviridae (HPV) genera, represent major worldwide public health problems. The broad-spectrum orally bioavailable antiviral drug being developed by N&N Scientific, Inc. is N-methanocarbathymidine (N-MCT) that has exhibited substantial activity against herpes and pox viruses and drug-resistant variants in vivo at doses that have not produced any general cytotoxicity in mice. These unique pharmacological characteristics suggest that N-MCT would be an ideal candidate for further preclinical studies that lead to an IND and clinical trials, and the funds sought will help significantly in furthering its development.
NIH Spending Category:
Biodefense; Emerging Infectious Diseases; Infectious Diseases; Orphan Drug; Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Herpes; Small Pox
Project Terms:
(N)-MCT; 1-((3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxy)propyl)cytosine; 1-(3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)cytosine; 2'-Nor-2'-deoxyguanosine; 2'NDG; 2-Amino-1,9-[[2-hydroxy-1-(hydroxymethyl)ethoxy]methyl]-6H-purin-6-one; 2-Amino-1,9-dihydro-9-[(2-hydroxyethoxy)methyl]-6H-purin-6-one; 21+ years old; 6H-Purin-6-one, 2-amino-1,9-dihydro-9-((2-hydroxy-1-(hydroxymethyl)ethoxy)methyl)-; 9-((2-Hydroxyethoxy)methyl)guanine; 9-[(1,3-Dihydroxy-2-propoxy)methyl]guanine; AIDS Virus; ATP[{..}]thymidine 5'-phosphotransferase; Acicloftal; Aclovir; Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Virus; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Virus; Acycloguanosine; Acyclovir; Address; Adult; Age; Animals; Anthrax; Anthrax disease; Antiviral Agents; Antiviral Drugs; Antivirals; Area; Asia, Southeastern; Bioavailability; Bioavailable; Biologic Availability; Biological; Biological Availability; Bioshield; Body Tissues; CDC; CMV; Cargosil; Cells; Centers for Disease Control; Centers for Disease Control (U.S.); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.); Characteristics; Chronic Disease; Chronic Illness; Cidofovir; Clinical; Clinical Trials; Clinical Trials, Phase I; Clinical Trials, Unspecified; Cold Sore; Collaborations; Communicable Diseases; Cow Pox; Cow Pox Virus; Cowpox; Cowpox virus; Crab-Eating Macaque; Cytomegalovirus; DHPG; Deoxypyrimidine Kinase; Deoxythymidine Kinase; Development; Development and Research; Disease; Disorder; Dose; Double Stranded DNA Virus; Drug Kinetics; Drug resistance; Drugs; EC; Early-Stage Clinical Trials; Ensure; Evaluation; Exhibits; Face; Family; Fever Blister; Funding; Ganciclovir; Gancyclovir; Generalized Growth; Glaxo Wellcome Brand of Aciclovir; Glaxo Wellcome Brand of Aciclovir Sodium Salt; Government; Growth; HCMV; HHV-1; HHV-2; HIV; HIV Infections; HIV-1; HIV-I; HIV1; HOSP; HPMPC; HPV; HSV; HSV-1; HSV-2; HSV1; HSV2; HTLV-III; HTLV-III Infections; HTLV-III-LAV Infections; Herpes Genitalis; Herpes Labialis; Herpes Simplex Virus; Herpes Simplex Virus 1; Herpes Simplex Virus 2; Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1; Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2; Herpes Simplex, Genital; Herpes Simplex, Labial; Herpes labialis Virus; Herpesviridae; Herpesvirus 1 (alpha), Human; Herpesvirus 1, Human; Herpesvirus 2 (alpha), Human; Herpesvirus 2, Human; Herpesvirus hominis; Herpesvirus progenitalis; Herpesviruses; Hospitalization; Human (alpha) herpes virus 2; Human Herpesvirus 2; Human Immunodeficiency Viruses; Human Papillomavirus; Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type III; Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus Type III; Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type III; Human herpes simplex virus type 1; Human herpes simplex virus type 2; Human herpesvirus 1; Human herpesvirus type 1; Human immunodeficiency virus 1; Human, Adult; Immunocompromised; Immunocompromised Host; Immunocompromised Patient; Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1, Human; Immunosuppressed Host; In Vitro; India; Individual; Infection; Infectious Disease Pathway; Infectious Diseases; Infectious Diseases and Manifestations; Infectious Disorder; Infectious Human Wart Virus; Investments; Journals; Kaposi - Kaposi's Sarcoma; Kaposi Sarcoma; Kaposi?s Sarcoma; Kidney; LAV-HTLV-III; Lead; Legislation; Licensing; Life; Lymphadenopathy-Associated Virus; Lytotoxicity; Macaca fascicularis; Magazine; Mammals, Mice; Mammals, Primates; Marketing; Maximal Tolerated Dose; Maximally Tolerated Dose; Maximum Tolerated Dose; Medical; Medication; Mice; Mission; Monkey, Crab-Eating; Monkey, Cynomolgus; Monkeys; Multiple Hemorrhagic Sarcoma; Murine; Mus; N-methanocarbathymidine; Nordeoxyguanosine; Oral; Orthopoxvirus; Papilloma Virus, Human; Papillomaviridae; Papillomavirus, Human; Parke Davis Brand of Aciclovir; Pb element; Pharmaceutic Preparations; Pharmaceutical Agent; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Pharmaceuticals; Pharmacokinetics; Pharmacologic Substance; Pharmacological Substance; Phase; Phase 1 Clinical Trials; Phase I Clinical Trials; Phase I Study; Phosphorylation; Physiologic Availability; Population; Poviral; Poxviridae; Poxvirus officinale; Poxviruses; Predisposition; Prevention Measures; Primates; Process; Prophylactic treatment; Prophylaxis; Protein Phosphorylation; Public Health; R & D; R&D; Recurrence; Recurrent; Reporting; Research Resources; Resistance; Resources; Risk; Route; STD; Safety; Sales; Salivary Gland Viruses; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Sexually Transmitted Disorder; Sexually Transmitted Infection; Simplexvirus; Smallpox; Southeast Asia; Southeastern Asia; Staging; Statutes and Laws; Susceptibility; T-Lymphotropic Virus Type III Infections, Human; Testing; Therapeutic; Thymidine Kinase; Tissue Growth; Tissues; Toxic effect; Toxicities; Toxicology; Translating; Translatings; United States; United States Centers for Disease Control; United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Urinary System, Kidney; Vaccinated; Vaccinia; Vaccinia virus; Variant; Variation; Variola; Venereal Diseases; Venereal Disorders; Venereal Infections; Viral; Viral Diseases; Virorax; Virus; Virus Diseases; Virus-Genital Herpes; Virus-HIV; Viruses, General; Warner Wellcome Brand of Aciclovir; Wellcome Brand of Aciclovir; Wellcome Brand of Aciclovir Sodium Salt; Zovirax; Zovirax for Injection; adult human (21+); authority; base; bio-threat; bioavailability of drug; biodefense; biothreat; chronic disease/disorder; chronic disorder; clinical investigation; cytomegalovirus group; cytotoxic; cytotoxicity; disease/disorder; drug resistant; drug/agent; dsDNA Virus; experience; facial; genital herpes; heavy metal Pb; heavy metal lead; herpes febrilis; herpes genitalia; herpes simplex i; herpes simplex ii; herpes virus; herpes virus 1, human; herpesvirus; high risk; human T cell leukemia virus III; human T lymphotropic virus III; human alphaherpesvirus 1; human alphaherpesvirus 2; human cytomegalovirus; human herpesvirus 1 group; immunosuppressed patient; in vivo; language translation; new vaccines; next generation; next generation vaccines; novel; novel vaccines; ontogeny; phase 1 study; phase 1 trial; phase I trial; pox virus; pre-clinical; preclinical; preclinical study; prophylactic; protocol, phase I; public health medicine (field); public health relevance; recombinant vaccinia virus; renal; research and development; resistance to Drug; resistant; resistant to Drug; small pox; triphosphate; tripolyphosphate; variola major; venereal herpes; viral infection; virus infection; wart virus; yaba
Phase II
Contract Number: 5R43AI078540-02Start Date: 00/00/00 Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
2010(last award dollars: 2014)
Phase II Amount
$3,179,710Public Health Relevance:
Diseases associated with the Poxviridae genus of dsDNA viruses (smallpox, vaccinia and cowpox viruses, as well as the Herpesviridae (HSV-1, HSV-2, HSV-8, VZV, EBV, CMV) and Papillomaviridae (HPV) genera, represent major worldwide public health problems. The broad-spectrum orally bioavailable antiviral drug being developed by N&N Scientific, Inc. is N-methanocarbathymidine (N-MCT) that has exhibited substantial activity against herpes and pox viruses and drug-resistant variants in vivo at doses that have not produced any general cytotoxicity in mice. These unique pharmacological characteristics suggest that N-MCT would be an ideal candidate for further preclinical studies that lead to an IND and clinical trials, and the funds sought will help significantly in furthering its development.
Public Health Relevance Statement:
Diseases associated with the Poxviridae genus of dsDNA viruses (smallpox, vaccinia and cowpox viruses, as well as the Herpesviridae (HSV-1, HSV-2, HSV-8, VZV, EBV, CMV) and Papillomaviridae (HPV) genera, represent major worldwide public health problems. The broad-spectrum orally bioavailable antiviral drug being developed by N&N Scientific, Inc. is N-methanocarbathymidine (N-MCT) that has exhibited substantial activity against herpes and pox viruses and drug-resistant variants in vivo at doses that have not produced any general cytotoxicity in mice. These unique pharmacological characteristics suggest that N-MCT would be an ideal candidate for further preclinical studies that lead to an IND and clinical trials, and the funds sought will help significantly in furthering its development.