Virtual M.D.: E-Learning Tool For Improving Health Science Literacy
Award last edited on: 6/21/12

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
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Principal Investigator
Catherine Bruss

Company Information

Terra Nova Learning Systems LLC

10437 West Innovation Drive Suite 400
Milwaukee, WI 53226
   (414) 475-9973
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Milwaukee

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R43RR025258-01
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Only 28% of all Americans are considered scientifically literate [1], a distressing figure that leaves 72% of U.S. citizens ill-prepared to comprehend the substance of important issues such as stem cell research, global warming, multi-billion-dollar defense proposals, and their own health-related conditions. Enhanced educational efforts are needed to improve the nation's scientific literacy and help more Americans keep pace with the rapidly evolving technological world. To that end, Terra Nova proposes to produce a curricular unit designed to strengthen the health science literacy of the nation's middle school students. The Virtual M.D.: Medical Sleuths curriculum (to be developed through the Virtual M.D.: e-Learning Tool for Improving Health Science Literacy SBIR grant) will stimulate the interest of today's adolescents by providing innovative, discovery-oriented, web-based instruction and a "detective-type" process for finding solutions to real-world problems. Taking on the persona of a "virtual M.D." to study virtual patients represented by animated characters, students will apply the scientific method to analyze symptoms as they diagnose key human diseases relevant to their age group. They will learn about normal and abnormal anatomy and physiology through the use of CT and MR images and interactive anatomical diagrams. The unit will provide additional opportunities for learning through extension activities, formative and summative assessment options, videotaped interviews with healthcare professionals, and web and print resources. A comprehensive teacher lesson guide will be provided, along with disease fact sheets that students can share with their families. During Phase I of this grant project, Terra Nova's curriculum development staff with work with national experts to research and design an outline for the entire Virtual M.D. program, which will examine the topics of childhood obesity, Type 1 diabetes, asthma, and HIV/AIDS. This team will produce a single web-based prototype module on the topic of childhood obesity, after which all materials will be evaluated by expert consultants and field-tested among a minimum of 70 diverse middle school students. This engaging software program will promote an accurate understanding of several important diseases, improve scientific analytical and research skills, offer guidelines for healthy living, and inspire a greater interest in pursuing a healthcare or research career. Through the Virtual M.D. unit, Terra Nova seeks to support the National Center for Research Resources' public health mission of promoting scientific literacy among K-12 students through discovery- oriented tools, provide education to help people "understand, detect, treat, and prevent" a wide range of diseases, and encourage lifelong interest in the field of science. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE With only 28% of U.S. citizens qualifying as scientifically literate [1], national attention is sharply focused on identifying methods to improve Americans' understanding of and appreciation for key scientific concepts - so they may make better-informed decisions about the world around them. The proposed web-based Virtual M.D.: Medical Sleuths educational unit responds to this initiative by providing students at the impressionable middle school level with a creative, interactive, detective-type process for finding scientific solutions to real-life health problems. By giving students the opportunity to serve in the role of a "virtual M.D." to study, diagnose, and treat virtual patients, the unit will promote public health initiatives by: a) improving students' health science literacy, b) providing them with practical guidelines for preventing the onset of disease, c) familiarizing them with a variety of health-related career options, and d) further inspiring a lifelong curiosity about science and its applications.

Public Health Relevance:
This Public Health Relevance is not available.

Thesaurus Terms:
There Are No Thesaurus Terms On File For This Project.

Phase II

Contract Number: 2R44RR025258-02
Start Date: 9/15/08    Completed: 7/31/12
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2011)
Phase II Amount

Only 28% of all Americans are considered scientifically literate [1], a distressing figure that leaves 72% of U.S. citizens ill-prepared to comprehend the substance of important issues such as stem cell research, global warming, or their own health-related conditions. Enhanced educational efforts are needed to improve the nation's scientific literacy and help more Americans keep pace with the rapidly evolving technological world. Terra Nova proposes to extend the successful research and development of the Phase I prototype, to produce an engaging software program that will strengthen the health science literacy of middle school students. Utilizing highly interactive technologies and evidence-based content, the web-based Virtual M.D.: Medical Sleuths end-product program (developed for the Virtual M.D.: e-Learning Tool for Improving Health Science Literacy grant project) will be designed to stimulate the interest of today's middle school students through interactive instruction and a ""detective-type"" process for finding solutions to contemporary real-world problems. Taking on the persona of a ""virtual M.D."" to study ""virtual patients"" represented by animated characters, students will apply the scientific method to analyze signs and symptoms to diagnose key human diseases relevant to adolescents. This engaging method of learning will promote an accurate understanding of several important diseases, improve scientific analytical and research skills, offer guidelines for healthy living, and inspire a greater interest in pursuing a healthcare or research career. The broad, long-term objective for Phase II is to completely develop and rigorously test the complete Virtual M.D.: Medical Sleuths interactive program for eventual dissemination to middle schools across the country. The Specific Aims to be met during Phase II are: AIM 1 - Expand the research and instructional design plan developed and validated in Phase I, for an interactive middle school software tool that will communicate health and scientific information about adolescent obesity, Type 1 diabetes, asthma, and HIV/AIDS;AIM 2 - Produce all program materials including the web-based virtual simulation, an online learning community, Career Highlight videos, assessment components, and companion materials;and AIM 3 - Thoroughly evaluate all Phase II deliverables through quantitative, qualitative, and descriptive assessment measures including Expert Consultant Group reviews and a comprehensive Field Test Evaluation. Through the Virtual M.D. unit, Terra Nova seeks to support the National Center for Research Resources'public health mission of promoting scientific literacy among K-12 students through discovery-oriented tools, provide education to help people ""understand, detect, treat, and prevent"" a wide range of diseases, and encourage lifelong interest in the field of science. The Phase II end-product program will both fill an unmet need in the middle school market, as well as contribute to NCRR's mission of providing an educational tool to improve the public's health science literacy. , ,

Public Health Relevance:
With only 28% of U.S. citizens qualifying as scientifically literate [1], national attention is sharply focused on identifying methods to improve Americans'understanding of and appreciation for key scientific concepts - so they may make better-informed decisions about the world around them. The proposed web-based Virtual M.D.: Medical Sleuths educational unit responds to this initiative by providing students at the middle school level with a creative, interactive, detective-type process for finding scientific solutions to real-life health problems. By giving students the opportunity to serve in the role of a ""virtual M.D."" to study, diagnose, and treat virtual patients, the unit will promote public health initiatives by: a) improving students'health science literacy, b) providing them with practical guidelines for preventing the onset of disease, c) familiarizing them with a variety of health-related career options, and d) further inspiring a lifelong curiosity about science and its applications.

Thesaurus Terms:
Aids/Hiv;Aids/Hiv Problem;Active Follow-Up;Adolescent;Adolescent Youth;American;Analysis, Data;Anatomic;Anatomical Sciences;Anatomy;Applications Grants;Asthma;Asthma In Children;Attention;Biologic Sciences;Biological Sciences;Bronchial Asthma;Care, Health;Childhood Asthma;Communities;Companions;Complement;Complement Proteins;Computer Programs;Computer Simulation;Computer Software Tools;Computer Software;Computerized Models;Country;Curiosities;Curriculum;Data Analyses;Data Banks;Data Bases;Databank, Electronic;Databanks;Database, Electronic;Databases;Development;Development And Research;Diabetes Mellitus, Brittle;Diabetes Mellitus, Insulin-Dependent;Diabetes Mellitus, Juvenile-Onset;Diabetes Mellitus, Ketosis-Prone;Diabetes Mellitus, Sudden-Onset;Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1;Diabetes Mellitus, Type I;Diagnosis;Diagnostic Findings;Disease;Disorder;Distress;Doctor Of Medicine;Dysfunction;Education;Educational Curriculum;Educational Aspects;Elements;Endocrinologist;Environment;Epidemiologist;Exercise;Exercise, Physical;Family;Functional Disorder;General Population;General Public;Global Warming;Grant;Grant Proposals;Grants, Applications;Guidelines;Hiv/Aids;Hiv/Aids Problem;Health;Health Instruction;Health Sciences;Health Training;Health Tutoring;Health Education;Healthcare;Idd;Iddm;Instruction;Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus;Intervention;Intervention Strategies;Investigators;Learning;Left;Life;Life Sciences;Life Style;Lifestyle;M.D.;Marketing;Mathematical Model Simulation;Mathematical Models And Simulations;Measures;Medical;Medical Research;Medicine;Methods;Mission;Models, Computer;Ncrr;National Center For Research Resources;Nutritionist;Obesity;On-Line Systems;Online Systems;Onset Of Illness;Over Weight;Overweight;Patients;Pediatric Asthma;Phase;Physiology;Physiopathology;Preparation;Prevention;Preventive;Price;Process;Programs (Pt);Programs [publication Type];Public Health;Qualifying;R & D;R&D;Recommendation;Research;Research Personnel;Research Resources;Researchers;Resources;Role;Sbir;Sbirs (R43/44);Science;Science Of Anatomy;Science Of Medicine;Signs And Symptoms;Simulation, Computer Based;Small Business Innovation Research;Small Business Innovation Research Grant;Software;Software Tools;Solutions;Stem Cell Research;Stream;Structure;Students;Summary Reports;Survey Instrument;Surveys;T1 Diabetes;T1d;T1dm;Technology;Teen;Teenagers;Teens;Teleconferences;Testing;Timeline;Tools, Software;Type 1 Diabetes;Woman;Work;Adiposity;Anatomy;Base;Career;Clinical Data Repository;Clinical Data Warehouse;Commercialization;Computational Modeling;Computational Models;Computational Simulation;Computer Based Models;Computer Program/Software;Computerized Modeling;Computerized Simulation;Corpulence;Corpulency;Corpulentia;Data Repository;Design;Designing;Disease Onset;Disease/Disorder;Disorder Onset;Evaluation/Testing;Evidence Base;Follow-Up;Human Disease;Improved;In Silico;Innovate;Innovation;Innovative;Insight;Insulin Dependent Diabetes;Interest;Interventional Strategy;Juvenile;Juvenile Diabetes;Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus;Juvenile Human;Ketosis Prone Diabetes;Literacy;Literate;Meetings;Middle School;Minority Health Professional;Novel;Obese;Obese People;Obese Person;Obese Population;Online Computer;Pathophysiology;Pediatrician;Prevent;Preventing;Pricing;Programs;Prototype;Public Health Medicine (Field);Public Health Relevance;Relational Database;Research And Development;Response;Science Education;Skills;Social Role;Success;Teacher;Teen Years;Tool;Treatment Planning;Type I Diabetes;Virtual;Virtual Simulation;Web Based;Web Site