18F-AV-133, a Novel Radiopharmaceutical for Differential Diagnosis of DementiaAward last edited on: 9/15/2009
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NIATotal Award Amount
$498,750Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
866Principal Investigator
Franz F HeftiCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43AG030869-01A1Start Date: 5/1/2008 Completed: 4/30/2010
Phase I year
2008Phase I Amount
$249,375Public Health Relevance:
Successful completion of the proposed phase I studies will provide a key step towards the provision of diagnostic tools for the clinical diagnosis and monitoring of disease progression of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), Alzheimer's disease (AD) and dementias in general. The studies will identify a diagnostic tool to allow the physicians to direct patients towards the most appropriate drug regimen and prevent that the patients are exposed to potentially harmful drugs. Furthermore, the resulting diagnostic tools will help significantly in the development of disease-modifying drugs, by making it possible to monitor treatment efficacy at the molecular level in vivo. Such a diagnostic tool will represent a significant technological and medical benefit to society.
Public Health Relevance:
This Public Health Relevance is not available.
Thesaurus Terms:
There Are No Thesaurus Terms On File For This Project.
Phase II
Contract Number: 5R43AG030869-02Start Date: 5/1/2008 Completed: 4/30/2010
Phase II year
2009Phase II Amount
$249,375Public Health Relevance:
Successful completion of the proposed phase I studies will provide a key step towards the provision of diagnostic tools for the clinical diagnosis and monitoring of disease progression of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), Alzheimer's disease (AD) and dementias in general. The studies will identify a diagnostic tool to allow the physicians to direct patients towards the most appropriate drug regimen and prevent that the patients are exposed to potentially harmful drugs. Furthermore, the resulting diagnostic tools will help significantly in the development of disease-modifying drugs, by making it possible to monitor treatment efficacy at the molecular level in vivo. Such a diagnostic tool will represent a significant technological and medical benefit to society.
Project Terms:
Alzheimer; Alzheimer disease; Alzheimer sclerosis; Alzheimer syndrome; Alzheimer's; Alzheimer's Disease; Alzheimers Dementia; Alzheimers disease; Amentia; Amyloid; Amyloid Plaques; Amyloid Substance; Applications Grants; Brain imaging; Cell Communication and Signaling; Cell Signaling; Classification; Clinical; Clinical Research; Clinical Study; Clinical Trials, Phase I; Cyclotrons; DA Neuron; Dementia; Dementia with Lewy Bodies; Dementia, Alzheimer Type; Dementia, Lewy Body; Dementia, Primary Senile Degenerative; Dementia, Senile; Deposit; Deposition; Detection; Development; Diagnostic; Diagnostic Imaging; Differential Diagnosis; Diffuse Lewy Body Disease; Disease; Disease Progression; Disorder; Doctor of Philosophy; Dopamine neuron; Drugs; Early-Stage Clinical Trials; Evaluation; Exposure to; Funding; Goals; Government; Grant Proposals; Grants, Applications; HOSP; Hospitals; Idiopathic Parkinson Disease; Image; Imaging Procedures; Imaging Techniques; Intracellular Communication and Signaling; Label; Lewy Body Disease; Lewy Body Disease, Cortical; Lewy Body Parkinson Disease; Lewy Body Type Senile Dementia; Ligands; Medical; Medical Imaging, Positron Emission Tomography; Medication; Molecular; Monitor; NIH RFA; Nerve Degeneration; Neuritic Plaques; Neuron Degeneration; PET; PET Scan; PET imaging; PETSCAN; PETT; Paralysis Agitans; Parkinson; Parkinson Disease; Parkinson's; Parkinson's disease; Parkinsons disease; Patients; Persons; Ph.D.; PhD; Pharmaceutic Preparations; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Phase 1 Clinical Trials; Phase I Clinical Trials; Phase I Study; Physicians; Population; Positron Emission Tomography Scan; Positron-Emission Tomography; Primary Parkinsonism; Primary Senile Degenerative Dementia; Protocols, Treatment; Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging; RGM; Rad.-PET; Radiopharmaceutical Compound; Radiopharmaceuticals; Regimen; Request for Applications; Safety; Senile Plaques; Signal Transduction; Signal Transduction Systems; Signaling; Site; Societies; Systematics; Technics, Imaging; Testing; Treatment Efficacy; Treatment Protocols; Treatment Regimen; Treatment Schedule; Vascular Dementia; Work; amyloid beta plaque; amyloid imaging; amyloid-b plaque; base; biological signal transduction; biomarker; brain visualization; clinical Diagnosis; cored plaque; cost; dementia of the Alzheimer type; diffuse plaque; disease/disorder; dopaminergic neuron; drug candidate; drug/agent; healthy volunteer; imaging; in vivo; monoamine vesicular transport proteins; neural degeneration; neurodegeneration; neuronal degeneration; novel; phase 1 study; phase 1 trial; phase I trial; prevent; preventing; primary degenerative dementia; protocol, phase I; public health relevance; radioactive drugs; radioligand; senile dementia of the Alzheimer type; therapeutic efficacy; therapeutically effective; tool; vesicular monoamine transporter