Depot calcineurin inhibitors to prevent graft rejectionAward last edited on: 1/29/18
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NIAIDTotal Award Amount
$2,784,147Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
Thomas J SmithCompany Information
Auritec Pharmaceuticals LLC (AKA: Auritec Pharma~Auritec Pharmaceuticals LLC)
1512 11th Street Suite 203
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Santa Monica, CA 90401
(310) 434-0185 |
mblake@auritecpharma.com |
www.auritecpharma.com |
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 36
County: Los Angeles
Congr. District: 36
County: Los Angeles
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43AI069674-01A1Start Date: 3/1/06 Completed: 3/31/11
Phase I year
2007Phase I Amount
$99,120Phase II
Contract Number: 2R44AI069674-02Start Date: 3/1/06 Completed: 3/31/11
Phase II year
2009(last award dollars: 2017)
Phase II Amount
$2,685,027Public Health Relevance:
The leading cause of failure in heart, liver, and kidney transplants in children is that kids just stop taking their medicines. The beatific 8 year old who promises never to miss a day, is soon the spiky haired 14 year old who knows better about everything. Missing just a few days can be fatal. We have developed an injectable formulation for the immunosuppressive cyclosporine which has the potential to be delivered weekly, or even less frequently. Because of the long half life of cyclosporine, missing our injection by a day or two is not likely to be a serious problem. Parents can monitor a weekly or semi-monthly schedule much more carefully than daily dosing. An additional benefit of this delivery system is that peak levels that lead to toxicity are blunted, and trough levels, which can lead to failure, are less likely to occur. In Phase 1 we demonstrated proof of concept in an animal model. In Phase 2 we propose to optimize the parameters of the delivery system, manufacture it according to FDA standards, and confirm its delivery profile and safety in further animal studies.
Public Health Relevance Statement:
The leading cause of failure in heart, liver, and kidney transplants in children is that kids just stop taking their medicines. The beatific 8 year old who promises never to miss a day, is soon the spiky haired 14 year old who knows better about everything. Missing just a few days can be fatal. We have developed an injectable formulation for the immunosuppressive cyclosporine which has the potential to be delivered weekly, or even less frequently. Because of the long half life of cyclosporine, missing our injection by a day or two is not likely to be a serious problem. Parents can monitor a weekly or semi-monthly schedule much more carefully than daily dosing. An additional benefit of this delivery system is that peak levels that lead to toxicity are blunted, and trough levels, which can lead to failure, are less likely to occur. In Phase 1 we demonstrated proof of concept in an animal model. In Phase 2 we propose to optimize the parameters of the delivery system, manufacture it according to FDA standards, and confirm its delivery profile and safety in further animal studies.
Project Terms:
0-11 years old; 14 year old; 8 year old; Adherence; Adherence (attribute); Adolescent; Adolescent Youth; Animal Model; Animal Models and Related Studies; Animals; Biology; Businesses; Calcineurin antagonist; Calcineurin inhibitor; Canada; Canine Species; Canis familiaris; Child; Child Youth; Children (0-21); Ciclosporin; Clinical Trials; Clinical Trials, Unspecified; Common Rat Strains; CsA; Cyclosporin A; Cyclosporine; Cyclosporine A; Cyclosporines; Cyclosporins; Development; Dogs; Dose; Drug Delivery; Drug Delivery Systems; Drug Formulations; Drug Kinetics; Drug Monitoring; Drug Targeting; Drug Targetings; Drugs; Drugs, Investigational; FDA approved; FLR; Failure (biologic function); Flexibility; Formulation; Formulations, Drug; France; Germany; Goals; Graft Rejection; Grafting, Kidney; Grant; Half-Life; Half-Lifes; Heart; Human, Child; Immunosuppressants; Immunosuppressive Agents; In Vitro; Individual; Injectable; Injection of therapeutic agent; Injections; Investigational Drugs; Investigational New Drugs; Investigators; Italy; Japan; Kidney Transplantation; Kidney Transplants; Knowledge; Lead; Legal patent; Licensing; Liver; Mammals, Dogs; Mammals, Rats; Mammals, Rodents; Marketing; Measures; Medical; Medication; Medicine; Method LOINC Axis 6; Methodology; Modeling; Monitor; Oral; Orphan Drugs; Parents; Patents; Patients; Pb element; Pharmaceutic Preparations; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Pharmacokinetics; Phase; Pliability; Polymer Chemistry; Process; Production; Protocols, Treatment; RGM; Rat; Rattus; Regimen; Renal Transplantation; Renal Transplants; Research; Research Personnel; Researchers; Rodent; Rodentia; Rodentias; Route; SCHED; Safety; Sandimmun; SangCya; Schedule; Science of Medicine; System; System, LOINC Axis 4; Tacrolimus; Taxes; Testing; Therapeutic; Time; Toxic effect; Toxicities; Transplant Rejection; Transplantation; Transplantation Rejection; Treatment Protocols; Treatment Regimen; Treatment Schedule; Work; body system, hepatic; canine; children; clinical investigation; clinical lot; commercialization; cost; domestic dog; drug development; drug/agent; eight year old; experience; failure; fourteen year old; graft failure; heavy metal Pb; heavy metal lead; immunosuppressive; in vivo Model; innovate; innovation; innovative; juvenile; juvenile human; model organism; neoral; novel; organ system, hepatic; particle; pharmacokinetic model; pre-clinical; preclinical; prevent; preventing; public health relevance; sandimmune; subcutaneous; success; transplant; youngster