Analysis System For Fine Motor Control
Award last edited on: 6/5/08

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Hans-Leo Teulings

Company Information

NeuroScript LLC

1225 East Broadway Road Suite 100
Tempe, AZ 85282
   (480) 350-9200
Location: Single
Congr. District: 09
County: Maricopa

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R43RR011683-01A1
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
(Adapted from applicant's abstract): The goal is to build an automated, low-cost, general purpose system for quantifying fine movement control in children, the elderly, and patients with neurological diseases to be used as a research tool by neurologists, physical therapists, developmental psychologists, ergonomists, kinesiologists, and human resource specialists. The system consists of data collection and analysis software and makes use of a commercial display-digitizer and PCS. The work to be accomplished in Phase I consists of creating the prototype fine motor control software of the subject or patient, the analysis modules (e.g., spectral analysis, segmentation, feature extraction), and display modules. The software system will be tested in a few categories of subjects and patients, thereby building a small database of subject data. The advantage of using handwriting movements rather than arm movements, gait, speech, or eye movements is that most individuals have a well-trained repertoire of handwriting patterns that can be recorded easily. There is no comparable system on the market.

Thesaurus Terms:
automated data processing, computer data analysis, computer system design /evaluation, hand, limb movement, neuroregulation computer human interaction, computer program /software neuropsychological test, spectrometryNational Center for Research Resources (NCRR)

Phase II

Contract Number: 2R44RR011683-02
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2000)
Phase II Amount

Our aim is to develop and market a general purpose, cost-effective, accurate human movement analysis software system. In Phase I we developed a PC-based movement analysis system using a commercial digitizer and stylus. Data are gathered by recording the horizontal and the vertical positions of the stylus tip as a function of time. A wide variety of movements can be analyzed ranging from discrete movements of specific sizes and directions to complex cursive handwriting-like patterns. The widespread use of human movement analysis as an effective diagnostic and research tool has been hampered by the lack of cost-effective, accurate recording and analysis systems. Our movement analysis system will fill that gap. Our analysis system will be useful for both clinicians to evaluate treatments and for researchers studying a wide range of topics from drug interactions to therapy outcomes. During Phase II we will improve the usability of the interface so that it can be used by experts and non-experts, extend the processing and recording software, establish standardized tests to assess motor function and further develop our business plan. By the end of Phase II, Neuroscript, LLC, will be a financially solvent software development company. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS: Our fine motor control analysis system will be useful for clinicians, researchers and educational specialists interested in assessing motor function in a wide variety of situations. The advantage of our system is that individuals have a well-trained repertoire of hand, arm, and shoulder skills that can easily be recorded and analyzed. There is no comparable system on the market.