The long-range objective of this project is to produce genetically hypertensive dogs that may be used in biomedical research as an animal model of essential hypertension in humans. Previous work at the University of Pennsylvania has produced a small dog colony which may now be expanded. The research design is to produce hypertensive dogs using a linebreeding strategy. The offspring will be studied to phenotype the trait by measurement of 24-hour blood pressure recordings. The breeding strategy will confirm and enhance the percentage of offspring with hypertension. The health of the colony and secondary effects of hypertension will be monitored to characterize the colony. These dogs will serve as a large animal model of essential hypertension that has been shown to be sodium-insensitive and primarily neurogenic in origin. After the production of 40 hypertensive dogs, the commercial market will be tested.Proposed commercial application:A large animal model of naturally occurring hypertension has been sought for many years. Research into cardiovascular diseases and hypertension is one of the most active areas of biomedical research. The commercial market for these dogs would be from major pharmaceutical firms and research universities worldwide. While rodent models are widely used for this research, a dog model has several advantages.National Institute of Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)