The EM/2 Alcohol & Drug Screener is a simple computer-based test which records a subjects' ocular motor and pupillary responses to determine if physiological symptoms of drug/alcohol intoxication exist. The advantages of the EM/2 over urine based drug testing include immediate results, a non-invasive and non-demeaning procedure, and identification of those individuals who are "Under the Influence" at the time of the test. Preliminary studies are underway. Prior to a large scale field test and subsequent conunercialization, this accumulated data needs to be statistically evaluated to determine: the significant physiological variables; which analysis algorithms require enhancement; and the EM/2's level of accuracy. This will be accomplished under contract with the Southern California Research Institute, specialists in the evaluation of human performance and physiology related to drugs/alcohol.Awardee's statement of the potential commercial applications of the research:Drug tests using urine or blood can only establish recent use of a drug and cannot show the current condition of the tested individual. The EM/2 Alcohol & Drug Screener is for testing people in the workplace to determine whether the individual is "Under the Influence" of drugs or other substances at the time of the test. Results are available within seconds after conclusion of the test. The EM/2, by documenting the condition of the individual being tested, provides "probable cause" for performing urine screen and confirming drug tests. The technological advancement of the EM/2 Alcohol & Drug Screener, in quickly determining an individual's condition, will be a positive adjunct to achieving a Drug-Free Workplace. The EM/2 is suited for any industry where there is a risk of accident to workers or the general public, i. e. transportation, manufacturing, nuclear facilities, military, construction, etc..National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)