This project will develop and test the fiscal feasibility ofa franchise system for day care homes organized in local community networks and providing enriched child development services. A variety of financing and capitalization proced-ures will be organized to be responsive to local payment levels. The financing system will be organized to provide supplemental income for forty to one hundred workers (predominantly older women or displaced homemakers) and self-sufficiency income for thirty to forty full-time home care providers (at least 15 percent of whom will be welfare recipients or teenage mothers) in each community. The project will also devise toys and curricula for educational and recreational activities involved with home day care. Instruction on the use of these will be enclosed in written and verbal form. A manual for local franchise sponsors willbe developed providing legal, regulatory, business, recruit-ment, and related procedures for implementation. National cooperative agreements for self-supporting technical assist-ance will include networks ans support activities for cooperation with local departments of social service, win offices, and community colleges.