We propose to develop a frequency doubled YAG Laser (Green) pumping a system with a dye laser for the purpose of the treatment of cancer following sensitization of the tumors with the dye hematoporphyrin derivative (HPD). Laserscope will couple its unique high average power pulsed second harmonic YAG laser (532nm) to a dye laser to produce a red laser beam in the wavelength range of 625-630nm. Testing in cell and animal model systems will be performed to compare the 532nm/dye laser effectiveness in the selective photochemical destruction of HPD-treated malignant tissue with the argon-dye laser systems currently in use.Technical objectives:a. to couple the Laserscope OMNIplus Laser surgical system to a dye laser such that a stable output of 2-3 watts can be obtained at 625-630nm, b. to develop the appropriate fiber optic coupling and delivery systems for the dye laser,c. to test the system on cellular, animal models, and possibly human systems.National Cancer Institute (NCI)