A Voucher Insurance Plan to Mobilize Volunteer Support Among the Elderly
Award last edited on: 11/26/2002

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Stuart P Hanson

Company Information

Berkeley Planning Associates

440 Grand Avenue Suite 500
Oakland, CA 94610
   (510) 465-7884
Location: Single
Congr. District: 13
County: Alameda

Phase I

Contract Number: N/A
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This project is to develop a Voucher Insurance Plan (VIP) to mobilize volunteer support among the elderly Medicare-eligible membership of social clubs, trade unions, churches, and retirement communities. The plan is designed to operate as an insurance plan. For each unit of service performed, the volunteer will receive a voucher entitling him or her to an equivalent amount of service. The voucher may be exchanged and even cashed out. A professional health care assessment and training component will be added to support the altruistic/self-interested volunteer behavior. The basic objective of Phase I is to derive empirically sound maximum likelihood estimates, using conditional analysis of VIP components such as membership dues, kinds and values of various services, cashing-out values, and voucher circulation patterns. These results will form the empirical base of VIP policy and procedures that will be extensively tested during Phase II and marketed to voluntary organizations with geographically stable elderly populations during Phase Ill. San Francisco Home Health Service, with its 4,000-member Senior Center, will cooperate in all phases.Health Care Financing Administration

Phase II

Contract Number: N/A
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 1986)
Phase II Amount

___(NOTE: Note: no official Abstract exists of this Phase II projects. Abstract is modified by idi from relevant Phase I data. The specific Phase II work statement and objectives may differ)___ This project is to develop a Voucher Insurance Plan (VIP) to mobilize volunteer support among the elderly Medicare-eligible membership of social clubs, trade unions, churches, and retirement communities. The plan is designed to operate as an insurance plan. For each unit of service performed, the volunteer will receive a voucher entitling him or her to an equivalent amount of service. The voucher may be exchanged and even cashed out. A professional health care assessment and training component will be added to support the altruistic/self-interested volunteer behavior. The basic objective of Phase I is to derive empirically sound maximum likelihood estimates, using conditional analysis of VIP components such as membership dues, kinds and values of various services, cashing-out values, and voucher circulation patterns. These results will form the empirical base of VIP policy and procedures that will be extensively tested during Phase II and marketed to voluntary organizations with geographically stable elderly populations during Phase Ill. San Francisco Home Health Service, with its 4,000-member Senior Center, will cooperate in all phases.Health Care Financing Administration