Brain Vasculature Digital Tomosynthesis Hardware Level
Award last edited on: 5/30/02

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Award Phase
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Principal Investigator
Robert M Moore

Company Information

Kermath Manufacturing Corporation

2042 Westmoreland Street
Richmond, VA 23230
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Henrico

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R43MH038985-01
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This project is to develop clinical positioning devices to further the development of Digital Tomosynthesis applications emphasizing studies of the Vasculature of the brain. In collaboration with two consultants, one from the Department of Radiology, University of Mississippi, and one from the University of Virginia, Kermath proposes to use experience gained from previous design of conventional L-C positioning devices that employed conventional tomographic capabilities and L-C positioning devices that are currently supporting Digital Vascular Imaging (D.V.1.) devices to produce the subject hardware.The two consultants have designed and built two D.V.1. systems which will be used, -together with the L-C positioning devices at the University of Mississippi and the University of Virginia which will serve as clinical evaluation sites. These D.V.I. systems will employ tomosynthesis applications (a method of tomography, employing a number of fixed exposures and manipulation by an Image Processor).While current literature supports the need for digital, tomography, the only available positioning hardware is the test-bench variety and is not suitable for clinical usage. Kermath proposes to develop and furnish clinical hardware to complement the required D.V.1. motion and attitude requirements.National Institute of Mental Health

Phase II

Contract Number: 2R44MH038985-02
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
In this project the investigators are developing clinical positioning devices to further the development of digital tomosynthesis applications emphasizing brain vasculature studies. In collaboration with the Departments of Radiology at the University of Mississippi and the University of Virginia, the investigators propose to use experience gained from the previous design of conventional L-C positioning devices that employed conventional tomographic capabilities, and L-C positioning devices that support digital vascular imaging (DVI) devices to producing the subject hardware.Two DVI systems which will be used with the L-C positioning devices have been designed and constructed at the University of Mississippi and the University of Virginia which will serve as clinical evaluation sites. These DVI systems will employ tomosynthesis applications (a method of tomography using a number of fixed exposures and manipulation by an image processor).While literature supports the need for digital tomography, the only available positioning hardware is of test-bench variety and not suitable for clinical use. The investigators propose to develop and furnish clinical hardware to complement the required DVI motion and attitude requirements. National Institute Of Mental Health