Tanner proposes to utilize our baseline EFI design as the preliminary input to a radiation effects model. The key layers of interest will be modeled for radiation absorption across the environments of interest. These models will provide estimates of energy absorption for each set of conditions, by which electron generation, secondary emission, total temperature rise, and possible physical damage can be gauged. Using the results of these models, design variations of the most impacted layers can be developed, and material layer modification (e.g., thickness, material selection, protective coatings, etc.) or replacement can be evaluated. In Phase I, Tanner will explore key environmental impacts of both the natural space environment and man-made hostile conditions. Explored radiation type and intensities include prompt high dose rate range of 1E11 to 1E13 rad(Si)/s, Total Ionizing Dose (TID) range of 1E5 to 5E5 rad(Si), Neutron Displacement Damage (NDD) maximum of 5E12 to 1E14 n/cm2, and X ray fluence range of 0.1 to 10 cal/cm2.
Benefit: Tanner and our team will simulate, design, and test constituents of EFI designs for use in extreme environments. Additional Phase I deliverables would include material selection analysis and layer thickness design changes to our baseline EFI (for implementation in Phase II), a list of further modeling tasks for exploring thermoshock effects (in the Phase I Option), and experimental characterization and device optimization paths for design parameter selection and customization. A design for Phase II fabrication will be developed along with a plan for testing and validation. As with all Tanner Research efforts a strong emphasis will be placed on improving manufacturability, sustainability, life-cycle costs, in addition to the safety, reliability and performance characteristics of the system.
Keywords: ordnance, ordnance, Battlespace Environments, Strategic Radiation, high voltage, Initiation, LEEFI, Survivability, exploding foil initiator