Todays warfighting environment calls for operators to have unfettered access to data at different security levels. To own the battlespace, the ability to safely share information across security levels is paramount. Current DoD policy limits how data from different security enclaves can be integrated and Cross Domain Security (CDS) devices are a traditional method for moving data between security enclaves. Traditional CDSs typically run on specialized hardware between two security enclaves and require additional Size, Weight and Power (SWaP) to support functionality. They are designed to run complex rule sets designed to pass exactly what messages and content are defined for each security domain. Any unexpected, unplanned, or new message will be rejected from passing between domains unless new rule sets are developed and approved. Due to the stringent nature of existing rule sets, critical metadata may be constrained, hindering higher level applications ability to work across the full data set. This is metadata is especially important for track continuity and pedigree, combat identification, as well as prognostics and health management. Based on information explored in Phase I of this topic, Fuse has defined a minimized SWaP embedded hardware and software solution that preserves critical metadata for the operators and supports the Advanced Hawkeyes Technology Insertion Roadmap for Multi-Level Security with a Trusted Cross Domain Solution.
Benefit: There exists a significant need for CDS solutions with a decreased SWaP footprint in multiple industries. Naval aviation requirements for the solution defined by this project reach across multiple aircraft and unmanned vehicles. Continued alignment with PMA 231 and other platform program offices, including those across the submarine, surface, and aviation enterprises will be a central theme for this project to ensure a strong transition path. The solutions outlined here will be immediately extensible beyond just aircraft, and even beyond the military into commercial spaces. Commercial users in industrial controls have a need for CDS solutions. Surveillance systems for security, police, and first responders, boat and vessel manufacturers, building, and vehicle manufacturers all work to integrate multiple security enclaves into their designs.
Keywords: Networking, cyber security, Rugged, small SWaP, Multi-level Security, Cross Domain Solution