The Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) has a requirement to protect and validate the integrity of critical aeronautical data transferred into avionics systems that may impact flight safety and/or the ability to successfully complete aircraft missions. This Phase I solution develops a set of tools and processes to secure data integrity for flight safety systems. The tool set includes the use of our Mission Thread Analysis Process (MTAP) to perform white hat analyses, identify the overall cyber-attack surface and potential attack paths, evaluate threat credibility, and provide cyber risks to all data inputs for all NAVAIR aviation systems. Phase I will include the feasibility of using an automated version of the MTAP manual process, a tool in development which will enable near real time cyber assessments (from months/weeks to days/hours). An algorithm tool will be demonstrated that assesses and scans data from the data source to the end platform assuring data integrity and the ability to flag malicious tampering and errant corruption. A commercialization strategy is provided demonstrating how the resulting tool set can be used to ensure cyber integrity and protection across government and commercial systems where high impact decisions are made using data.