Develop and package a 2 x 2 single mode optical switch operating at 1.55 m wavelength capable of switching speeds below 1 s with a directivity of 50 dB and an excess loss of less than 1.0 dB with a continuous intensity change from port-to-port for routing RF/analog signals via singlemode fibers to different locations within the NAVY airframe. The optical switches must be low SWaP and capable of meeting the extended temperature range requirements (-40 C to 100 C).
Benefit: For Naval airborne EW systems, RF/analog fiber optic links will provide increased immunity to electromagnetic interference, reduction in size and weight, and an increase in bandwidth. Many antennas on airborne platforms will be required to send their signals to a plurality of RF processors at different locations on the platform, which will require high-performance, low-loss high-speed optical switches. Commercial sector data centers, industries utilizing local area networks and telecommunication systems, as well as companies that install networks and telecommunications systems would benefit from the development of this fast, low-loss, uninterrupted optical switch technology.
Keywords: Dead Time, Dead Time, uninterrupted, Fiber Optic, RF/analog, Switching Speed, optical switch, single mode