Omni-Spatial Interference Removal Integrated System (OSIRIS)
Award last edited on: 6/7/2023

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Jonathan Beaudeau

Company Information

Pareto Frontier LLC

66 Tadmuck Road Unit 6
Westford, MA 01886
   (978) 496-5513
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Middlesex

Phase I

Contract Number: N68335-20-C-0600
Start Date: 5/29/2020    Completed: 8/16/2021
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Pareto Frontier proposes to accomplish the overall objective of identifying and solidifying a robust, comprehensive space-time-adaptive-processing (STAP) system design geared for implementation on the MIDS JTRS terminal. To this end, Pareto Frontier presents the Omni-Spatial-Interference-Removal-Integrated-System (OSIRIS); a modular and scalable framework intended to fully exploit available degrees of freedom with a collection of powerful STAP techniques that synergistically complement one another, providing maximum interference mitigation coverage under a wide range of threat environments. Overall capability is intended to be both host-platform controlled through input of desired interference and signal-of-interest (SOI) steering angles and technique selection as well as fully autonomous, able to detect and estimate interference Direction-of-Arrivals (DOAs) with automatic null-placement management and feedback to the host-platform for situational awareness. Included within the techniques proposed is a novel Maximum-Likelihood estimation (MLE) based wide-band null steering algorithm that has been designed specifically to meet the constraints of this platform application. Pareto Frontier has successfully developed and implemented multiple high-performance real-time single-antenna interference cancellation (SAIC) techniques in conjunction with its industry partner. These techniques can be combined with conventional null-steering algorithms to dramatically increase overall system performance and resilience. The algorithms can also be extended to utilize multiple antenna signals simultaneously, thereby potentially creating a powerful new form of interference mitigation that not only leverages degrees of freedom (DOFs) in the time, space, and frequency domain but also in the signal feature domain. As part of the Phase I effort, constraints related to realistic SWAP limitations, operating bandwidths/frequencies, waveform parameters and interference scenarios will be specifically considered. Pareto Frontier will work closely with its industry partner to assess feasibility and further refine the aforementioned techniques for MIDS JTRS. Pareto Frontier will rely on its own extensive experience with this platform and the expertise that its industry partner possesses, being an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of MIDS JTRS, to optimally position for a rapid transition to prototype hardware under Phase II.

As the need for assured tactical communications becomes ever more ubiquitous in the modern battlefield, techniques for combating link jamming have become a crucial component to ensure mission success. The use of antenna array processing has the potential to be a powerful means of interference mitigation. It enables additional degrees of freedom, which can be used for optimal beamforming to enhance signal reception or achieve directionally selective interference suppression via null steering. While the concept of adaptive null steering has been substantially developed and matured for over half a century, there are still multiple facets of the technology that can be improved, particularly when considering integration within a tactical communications-enabled platform. All services within the DoD can stand to benefit from maturation of this technology, and there are numerous application opportunities within the private sector market. The technology is immediately applicable to DoD Satellite communications (SATCOM) users in terms of ground station providers, along with satellite terminal relays. The deployment of this technology can also potentially alleviate spectral congestion problems, most notably caused by government spectrum auction of previously reserved bands such as AWS-3 to commercial users. Furthermore, the potential benefit to interference affected users in the commercial sector including cellular base-station providers employing LTE / 5G is readily apparent.

high efficiency wide-band nulling, high efficiency wide-band nulling, MIDS JTRS optimized signal processing, Real-time signal processing, dynamic digital null-steering, Advanced space-time adaptive processing, Signal Source Separation, radio frequency signal processing

Phase II

Contract Number: N68335-22-C-0008
Start Date: 10/21/2021    Completed: 10/26/2023
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
In support of achieving the Phase I objective, to identify and solidify a robust, comprehensive Space-Time-Adaptive-Processing (STAP) design geared for the target platform, Pareto Frontier has developed the Omni-Spatial-Interference-Removing-Integrated-System (OSIRIS) core algorithm that satisfies project constraints with high-efficiency and performance. The OSIRIS core developed is a product of extensive investigation and refinement during the Phase I effort to arrive at a solution that: a) is fully autonomous and adaptive which eliminates the need for expensive antenna calibration or any location information of the protected signals; b) able to suppress many more interfering sources than afforded by conventional antenna nulling; and c) is highly computationally efficient and crafted to fit comfortably within available FPGA resources on the target platform. The developed algorithm has been extensively characterized utilizing a precision sample-based simulation testbench completed during the project and exhibits performance far superior to conventional nulling techniques such as the Minimum Variance Distortionless Response algorithm. Additionally, the algorithm has been implemented in preliminary form on an applique configuration within a surrogate platform during the project and performance results have been validated using RF test signals in the lab. On the Phase II effort, Pareto Frontier proposes to develop and demonstrate an OSIRIS-enhanced target receiver prototype.

As the need for assured tactical communications becomes ever more ubiquitous in the modern battlefield, techniques for combating link jamming have become a crucial component to ensure mission success. The use of antenna array processing has the potential to be a powerful means of interference mitigation. It enables additional degrees of freedom, which can be used for optimal beamforming to enhance signal reception or achieve directionally selective interference suppression via null steering. While the concept of adaptive null steering has been substantially developed and matured for over half a century, there are still multiple facets of the technology that can be improved, particularly when considering integration within a tactical communications-enabled platform. All services within the DoD can stand to benefit from maturation of this technology, and there are numerous application opportunities within the private sector market. The technology is immediately applicable to DoD Satellite communications (SATCOM) users in terms of ground station providers, along with satellite terminal relays. The deployment of this technology can also potentially alleviate spectral congestion problems, most notably caused by government spectrum auction of previously reserved bands such as AWS-3 to commercial users. Furthermore, the potential benefit to interference affected users in the commercial sector including cellular base-station providers employing LTE / 5G is readily apparent.

high efficiency wide-band nulling, radio frequency signal processing, dynamic digital null-steering, Signal Source Separation, Advanced space-time adaptive processing, MIDS JTRS optimized signal processing, Real-time signal processing