Metron proposes to use its extensive experience in Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) architecture development and analysis to develop a digital twin system model of MIDS JTRS. The model will be SysML and UAF compliant and will support requirements trade-off analysis, Integration and Interoperability (I&I) evaluation, and simulation execution. Metron proposes to make optimized use of both a commercial off the shelf MBSE tool suite (MagicDraw) and a Navy owned modeling and simulation tool ExAMS (Executable Architecture Management System) to develop this model. Additionally, Metron proposes to apply cutting edge, Navy developed MBSE governance requirements, namely the NAVWAR MBSE Schema, Integrated Dictionary (ID), as well as the guidelines set by the Naval Federated Architecture Reference Model (NFARM), to the model, making it compliant with the latest in Enterprise modeling standards.
Benefit: Metron has participated in, and typically been the technical modeling lead for, over 25 MBSE architecture focused projects over the past 10 years. Many of these projects were on behalf of NAVWAR HQ, and over the past two years, the authors of this proposal have been focused on NAVWAR contributions to Cross-SYSCOM Naval Operations Architecture and Digital Warfare Office projects establishing the groundwork for the Navys approach to operational level MBSE and architecture. Metron has utilized both Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) products, like No Magic products, as well as the NAVWAR HQ-owned MBSE tool ExAMS, which Metron originally developed and assists in the sustainment and employment of. Consequently, Metron is heavily invested in the future of NAVWAR MBSE; both as a general engineering principle, as well as its specific tool level application to NAVWAR systems and System of Systems Engineering. As such, Metron has already begun the exploration of its MBSE tool and expertise applications outside its traditional DoD market. This constitutes a market in the range of $100s of millions to billions of US dollars according to NASA, one of the earliest adopters and practitioners of MBSE. In the case of this model and its applications, the logical progression would follow an extension to providing modeling representations for multiple data link centric platforms within the Navy and private sector. Metron typically provides unlicensed support for these types of products to Government customers. A licensing approach would likely prove more appropriate for industry partners; Metron has ample experience providing licensed use of its tool Naval Simulation System (NSS) to both private and government customers. The model outlined in the proposal would have application along the full stack of link development, from component development to system developers and system integrators.
Keywords: MBSE, MBSE, Architecture, MIDS JTRS, Digital twin, Model, Model Based, systems engineering, SysML