Rotating electrical power generation offers a compact, high energy and power density solution for powering lasers on mobile platforms. All power generation technologies have advantages and disadvantages, but rotating machines allow the independent design of the energy storage and power generation aspects and details of the machine. The proposal team offers two rotating electrical machine topologies for evaluation and review during the Phase I effort. The experience base resident within the proposal team will prove extremely valuable when evaluating these power generation options and then moving a down selected technology forward into an option period and on to detail design and demo during the Phase II period.
Benefit: The successful completion of this proposed effort will provide the Navy and other branches of the US DoD with a compact power generation solution for powering lasers on mobile platforms. This compact power generation technology may also apply to other areas of operational requirements within the US military as well industrial applications. The proposing team has experience transferring technology to industrial partners and will work with an existing DoD vendor and industrial supplier to commercialize the generator design.
Keywords: compact power generation, compact power generation, high power density rotating machines, laser power systems, rotating electrical machines for laser power, rotating electrical generators, compensated pulsed alternators