Automated Solution for Configuration, Deployment and Auditing for AN/SQQ-89Award last edited on: 7/11/2021
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
DOD : NavyTotal Award Amount
$140,000Award Phase
1Solicitation Topic Code
N201-030Principal Investigator
Jeff GallimoreCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: N68335-20-C-0738Start Date: 6/26/2020 Completed: 12/23/2020
Phase I year
2020Phase I Amount
Our proposed solution includes capabilities to automate the installation, configuration, application deployment, auditing, and reporting of system status within a complex environment. Increasing automation increases consistency, reduces effort and errors, shortens cycle times, and reduces the amount of technical expertise required by personnel to make updates. Achieving this objective gives an organization the ability to deploy incremental capability improvements to remote locations frequently, repeatably, and securely while preserving (and even strengthening) cybersecurity and safety. When implemented, the solution accomplishes three specific objectives: Reduce operator involvement in the installation process. Decrease the risk of the installation process. Provide assurance of the correctness of the installation process and updates. The market for solutions like the one were proposing for the Navy is large and varied. Any use case involving the deployment of software to a remote physical location, device, or platform has potential to benefit from the proposed solution. Installation could occur either from media or via software-over-the-air. These use cases exist in both DoD and numerous industries in the private sector, such as automotive, building management, and manufacturing.
Audit, Audit, provisioning, DevOps, Automation
Phase II
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: 00/00/00 Completed: 00/00/00