The proposed study will analyze the current Northrop Grumman Corporation (NGC) Launch and Recovery System (LARS) for modification to launch and recover both the NGC AN/AQS24B and Raytheon AN/AQS20A sonar bodies. The launch platform will be the Common Unmanned Surface Vehicle (CUSV). The modifications proposed in the study will be analyzed using modeling and simulation of the system in operation. The developed solution will be proposed with data supporting the feasibility of producing the development unit for functional in-water testing in various configurations. In focusing on the modification of the proven monorail/tilt frame LARS from nose tow Q24 to support the mid-body tow configuration of the Q20, specific attention will be given to the center of gravity location of the assembly. Management of the center of gravity will keep the vessel stable during stowed rapid transit where forces seen in the LARS mechanism are typically higher than those in the towed configuration. Specific attention to the positive capture of the tow body will be taken to ensure the tow body is safely secured during upward loading. The concept design will focus on retaining the tow fish by the constant tension method. Constant tension method utilizes the main tow winch to retain the tow body in the capture device by maintaining tension in the tow cable during stowage and transit. The current Q20 configuration uses a mechanical capture method. Elimination of mechanical capture reduces the complexity and serviceability of the capture device. If during the analysis of the monorail/tilt frame configuration of the currently proven nose tow LARS to support mid-body tow staff arrangement proves to be unfeasible, an A-frame gantry configuration will be performed. The Q20 is currently fielded with a gantry configuration. Fairlead will perform a study in developing a gantry system that will launch and recover a nose tow unit. A material study will be performed during the analysis to ensure material availability and ensure simple lifecycle maintenance. Efforts will be taken during concept creation that design considerations and lessons learned from previous launch and recovery build efforts are incorporated to prevent difficulties discovered during the build evolutions of previous units. During development of the concept, care shall be taken to minimize specialty materials and make use of industry available solutions in lieu of developing specialty items to solve challenges that have an industry available solution.
Benefit: Fairleads solution for a common deploy and retrieve system will give the United States Navy greater flexibility in future procurement options and throughout its lifecycle, will provide cost savings unparalleled to the current sonar systems currently in use by the Fleet. We feel our design will have a cost-savings impact to Fleet Operations and Maintenance, Material Supply Chain, and Manpower and Personnel Training Requirements due the streamlining of the deploy, stream, tow, retrieve, and stow towed systems. We believe our solution could be installed on every Air, Surface, Subsurface, and Unmanned platform that has an Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) or Mine Hunting (MH) mission requirement which drives the market need.
Keywords: Unmanned, Unmanned, AN/AQS24 and AN/AQS20, towed body systems, Sonar, Deploy and Retrieve (D&R), universal, Launch and Recovery System (LARS), CUSV