HyPerComp will perform analytical and computational analysis of radar returns from representative submarine mast(s) as a function of grazing angle, mast(s) configuration and exposure, surrounding sea state, look direction relative to the sea, polarization and radar operating frequency. We will explore the role of multipath scattering from the surrounding sea surface in apparent radar returns of the submarine mast. Such physics-based scattering behavior will provide high-fidelity input to the signal processing detection techniques such as single and multichannel coherent processing, sparse signal separation approaches, and time-frequency analysis that can uniquely discriminate mast signatures from flotsam returns as well as returns from other man-made objects such as buoys and small boats. In Phase I, HyPerComp will concentrate more on modeling the EM physics of the problem with some planning for the signal processing aspects. In Phase II, HyPerComp will develop partnership with companies with expertise in signal processing and develop a strong link between the high-fidelity EM phenomenology models and detection and discrimination processing algorithms. The end-goal of this proposed SBIR Phase I/II effort is to install the computational capabilities in Navy platforms that perform real time maritime surveillance.
Benefit: As part of the commercialization strategy, HyPerComp has a two-prong approach. One is to transfer the technology to NAVAIR users. The other is private commercialization to any user, under a licensing agreement, who has a need for EM modeling for defense and commercial applications. Navy transition targets include the MQ-4C Triton ZPY-3 radar, MH-60R Seahawk APS-153 radar, MQ-8C FireScout ZPY-8 radar and P-8A Poseidon APY-10 radar. These radars differ significantly in their hardware and software architecture. Therefore, radar specific mode designs will be considered for the high grazing angle submarine mast detection and discrimination mode for that considers implementation on fixed-beam mechanically scanned radar systems, single and multiple fixed AESA radar systems and single panel gimballed AESA radar systems. During the course of the SBIR we will work with the TPOC and PMAs 262, 299, 266 and 290 to ensure suitability for transition.
Keywords: coherent and incoherent returns, coherent and incoherent returns, detection and discrimination, sea state modeling, high order methods, Maxwell's equations, Signal processing, Surveillance Radar, multipath returns