Submarine Mast Discrimination Techniques for High-Altitude Maritime Surveillance RadarAward last edited on: 6/4/2021
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
DOD : NavyTotal Award Amount
$1,036,497Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
N192-059Principal Investigator
Anthony PastoreCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: N68335-19-C-0792Start Date: 9/10/2019 Completed: 12/18/2020
Phase I year
2019Phase I Amount
At the completion of this phase I effort, assuming the approach is demonstrated to be feasible, RDRTec will be postured for a Phase II effort to prototype an enhanced CADD system that applies innovative high-altitude periscope detection and discrimination techniques suitable for transition. A successful Phase II prototype would then lead to a new radar mode and processing algorithms suitable for detection and discrimination of submarine periscopes from high altitude while maintaining high area rate of coverage. This is of high value to the warfighter and would be of interest to multiple USN airborne platforms. RDRTec has a proven track record of transitioning radar modes such as this.
small target detection, small target detection, target discrimination, Periscope, SAR, CADD, VSAR
Phase II
Contract Number: N68335-21-C-0342Start Date: 4/30/2021 Completed: 5/10/2023
Phase II year
2021Phase II Amount
If successful, this program will result in a third-party radar mode ready for integration into Triton. The new mode will support mission needs for challenging target detection and discrimination. Because the mode will have been developed to be compatible with the upcoming Triton open architecture RSP upgrade. To the extent that Triton selects an OA that is the same or similar to other military platforms the mode will also be readily transitioned to those platforms as well.
CADD, Challenging Target Detection, Triton, SAR, Open Architecture