Lowering the Probability of an Adversary Recognizing Inverse Synthetic Aperture Dwells While Maintaining Vessel Classification CapabilitiesAward last edited on: 6/4/2021
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
DOD : NavyTotal Award Amount
$1,038,625Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
N192-054Principal Investigator
Anthony PastoreCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: N68335-19-C-0730Start Date: 8/26/2019 Completed: 12/10/2020
Phase I year
2019Phase I Amount
RDRTec and our partner NRL with support from Telephonics propose to prototype and demonstrate a novel, efficient, two-prong Dwell Evaluation Expert System (DEES) plus compressive sensing approach to reducing the probability of an adversary recognizing ISAR dwells while maintaining maritime classification performance. We will refactor MCAs imaging and classification algorithms to produce data quality and classification accuracy assessments at fine real-time intervals throughout the algorithms for assessment by DEES, allowing for exiting ISAR sessions when further data will no longer improve maritime target classification. The second path is to reduce the total illumination time and staring characteristics of an ISAR session by segmenting the session (under-sample) into sub-sessions and using compressive sensing techniques to reform imagery. The proposed approach addresses both exiting sessions quickly when data quality is poor, and when data quality is good, automatically exiting the session when sufficient data has been collected to support target classification. To ensure that the technique can be transitioned to the widest possible set of sensors, we will restrict this effort to making no change to the characteristics of existing ISAR sessions other than turning those sessions on and off (e.g. no new waveforms or added pulse-to-pulse diversity).
adversary, adversary, DEES, ISAR, Compressive sensing, MCA, Maritime Classification
Phase II
Contract Number: N68335-21-C-0366Start Date: 4/28/2021 Completed: 5/10/2023
Phase II year
2021Phase II Amount
This ISAR DEES will be fully integrated with RDRTecs proven Maritime Classification Aid (MCA) toolkit which is on a transition path to both currently fielded and planned USN assets including MQ-4C Triton, MH60-R, MQ-8B/C Fire Scout, and P-8 Poseidon as an adjunct to the Navys Minotaur Mission System. In order to achieve a high PCC (Percent Correct Classification) and provide human-understandable explanations, MCA uses an expert system, physics-based feature extraction which identifies characteristics such as ship length, superstructure dimensions, and rotator location & characteristics.
LPI, ISAR, Low probability of intercept, Maritime Target Classification