Automatic Threat Radar Waveform RecognitionAward last edited on: 2/9/2023
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
DOD : NavyTotal Award Amount
$1,339,466Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
N191-011Principal Investigator
William PearsonCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: N68335-19-C-0414Start Date: 5/20/2019 Completed: 11/29/2019
Phase I year
2019Phase I Amount
Azure Summit is ideally positioned to rapidly transition our automatic recognition and aperture sharing technology to the Navy and the rest of DoD. Azures Switchblade family of Intelligent Transceivers was developed for NAVAIR PMA-290 and is the basis of the Navys Common Chassis as well as High-band and Low-band chassis. It is currently being integrated into EP-3, P-8, Triton, and Virginia Class submarines, and is under consideration for other platforms. Azure will use Switchblade hardware to demonstrate the feasibility of the or our recognition algorithm as it would be implemented in the Multi-INT system as well as integration of the artificial intelligence spectrum monitoring capability. The ability to rapidly classify co-channel emitters in the cluttered C-band also has significant value in the Commercial communications market. As the ISM and other frequencies within C-band become more saturated with competing emitter waveforms, this capability will allow co-located systems to be spectrally aware of their surroundings and make decisions on how and where to transmit to protect themselves and to prevent interference with other communications and/or radar systems.
SIGINT, SIGINT, Machine Learning, Radar, AESA, Automatic Recognition, Spectral Awareness, COMINT, Artificial Intelligence
Phase II
Contract Number: N68335-20-C-0867Start Date: 9/14/2020 Completed: 10/31/2023
Phase II year
2020Phase II Amount
The?anticipated benefits of using the high gain AN/ZPY-9 (C-RACAS) array for ESM?are summarized below:? The band covered by the C-RACAS antenna (C-Band 5-6 GHz) is densely populated with emitters that could be targets of interest.? The narrow beam of the C-RACAS antenna?also provides spatial interference mitigation in these challenging co-channel environments.?Compared?to?the?wider beam?width of?the?current apertures?(low gain spiral antennas) used for ESM, it is easy to see the potential utility for improved spatial processing.? The greater antenna gain of the C-RACAS also gives significant improvement in detection range?compared to the existing low gain spiral antennas.? The C-RACAS provides a wide area, forward-looking coverage, whereas the current ESM spirals are side-looking.?Using the C-RACAS array for ESM will thus fill a large coverage gap currently in the Tritons view. The primary anticipated benefit of real-time Spectrum Sharing via automatic threat and friendly radar waveform recognition is real-time spectrum compatibility with friendly ground radars and other friendly emitters as needed.
Radar, spectrum sharing, Electronic Support Measures (ESM), C-Band, Firmware, AN/ZPY-9, C-RACAS, Triton