In this SBIR program, Nikira Labs Inc. proposes to work with ABB Inc. to develop a novel open-path, mid-infrared incoherent cavity ringdown spectroscopy (iCRDS) analyzer for the accurate quantification of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In addition to monitoring conventional Navy VOCs, the open-path method will enable the rapid, sensitive measurement of highly reactive and adsorbent VOCs (acrolein, formaldehyde, and ozone). In Phase I, we will fabricate an open-path iCRDS system that employs a widely-tunable quantum cascade laser to provide highly sensitive absorption measurements in the mid-infrared. A refined chemometrics package will be developed to analyze the measured absorption spectra and determine VOC concentrations. Finally, the system will be extensively tested on both stable, Navy-relevant compounds, as well as highly reactive and adsorbent species. During the Phase I Option period, we will design a comprehensive Phase II system, including miniaturized hardware for integration into the Central Atmosphere Monitor System (CAMS). During Phase II, we will deliver two systems to the Navy for VOC monitoring. The first will integrate into the CAMS rack for centralized monitoring adjacent to the mass spectrometer. The second will be packaged for distributed monitoring throughout the submarine. This combination will address both current and future Navy needs.
Benefit: In Phase III, Nikira Labs Inc. will work with ABB Inc. to sell the resulting VOC analyzer into environmental research, waste remediation, and military markets. A preliminary market estimate suggests 5-year revenue exceeding $21M.
Keywords: cavity ringdown spectroscopy, cavity ringdown spectroscopy, Quantum Cascade Laser, Volatile Organic Compounds, mid-infrared spectrometry