The objective of this proposal is to fabricate and deliver to the Navy a new, highlyreliable, high efficiency, maintenance-free cryocooler to meet or exceed the goals outlined in theoriginal SBIR solicitation, while being rugged enough to deploy on a Navy surface combatantplatform. The specific objectives from the SBIR solicitation are as follows:?1.?Lifting 600 W of heat from 50 Kelvin, while rejecting to 50°C cooling water?2.?Maintaining an efficiency of 30% of the ideal Carnot thermodynamic cycle3. 1.5 W of heat lift per kg of cryocooler mass?4.?Meeting a $200/W of heat lift (@ 50 Kelvin) price point for the cryocooler and cryogen circulation / heat transport systemThis new cryocooler will enable new high temperature superconducting (HTS)applications on Navy vessels, to include power transmission and rotating machines (generatorsand motors), as well as support existing HTS applications such as degaussing and minesweeping.