Implementation and Demonstration of LUCS, a Live, Ultra-Compact Multispectral USPL Characterization System
Award last edited on: 11/15/2018

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Alex Lovesee

Company Information

Voss Scientific LLC (AKA: Voss Scientific Inc)

418 Washington Street SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
   (505) 255-4201
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Bernalillo

Phase I

Contract Number: N68335-17-C-0329
Start Date: 6/1/2017    Completed: 9/30/2018
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Researchers developing Ultra-Short-Pulse-Lasers (USPLs) need real-time measurements of key parameters, on both single-shot and statistically assessed basis. We propose to design and build a fully integrated, intuitive and user friendly, Live USPL Characterization System, termed LUCS, using novel methods of data capture, data reduction, and distributed processing. Phase I work will evaluate, select, and develop compact, portable individual diagnostics to reliably measure spatial, spectral, temporal, and pulse energy parameters under field conditions. Advanced data reduction algorithms and system architectures will be defined and prototyped. We will also design and optimize a much-needed USPL measurement capability presently unavailable: a single shot phase characterization technique insensitive to both alignment and beam profile, simultaneously providing detailed temporal and phase profiles. A single graphical user interface (GUI) will display user selectable, processed, laser parameters including live tracking of statistical variations in beam figures-of-merit. Additionally, the GUI will allow full control of all diagnostic system components. The GUI will initially run on a laptop and will ultimately be available as a tablet or smartphone app. In Phase II, these prototype components will be fully realized, with diagnostic subsystems seamlessly integrated within hardware and software architectures to provide rapid data processing, enabling 10-Hz live display updates.

The LUCS measurement system developed here will be immediately adaptable to the wider USPL user community with modest customizations dependent on the application. Relevant USPL applications include: eye surgery, precision machining, and any of the military applications for USPL lasers, such as remote sensing and illuminator lasers for shipboard defense. Because the system will be exceptionally compact, it will also be mechanically robust. LUCS will allow USPL users and researchers to monitor their system in ways previously unattainable.

Ultra-short pulse, Ultra-short pulse, Transportable, Integrated Diagnostics, phase extraction, LASER, comprehensive pulse characterization, spectrum measurement, Ultra-Compact

Phase II

Contract Number: N68335-18-C-0303
Start Date: 4/16/2018    Completed: 4/16/2020
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Researchers developing Ultra-Short-Pulse-Lasers (USPLs) need real-time measurements of key parameters, on both single-shot and statistical basis. Based on the Phase I results, we propose to assemble and demonstrate a fully integrated, intuitive and user friendly, Live USPL Characterization System, termed LUCS, using novel methods of data capture, data reduction, and distributed processing. Phase II work will integrate the individual diagnostics selected in Phase I into a compact man-portable system designed for the near and short-wave infrared bands of 600-1700-nm, with a 3-5-m band system developed in the option. In addition, the single shot phase characterization technique will be realized in an extremely compact geometry, which will be insensitive to both alignment and beam profile, simultaneously providing detailed temporal and phase profiles. Advanced data reduction algorithms and system architectures will be implemented and a single graphical user interface (GUI) will display user selectable, processed, laser parameters including live tracking of statistical variations in figures-of-merit. Additionally, the GUI will provide control of all diagnostic system components. The GUI will initially run on a laptop and will ultimately be available as a tablet or smartphone app. The diagnostic subsystems will be seamlessly integrated to provide rapid data processing, with display updates exceeding 10-Hz.

The LUCS measurement system developed here will be immediately adaptable to the wider USPL user community with modest customizations dependent on the application. Relevant USPL applications include: eye surgery, precision machining, and any of the military applications for USPL lasers, such as remote sensing and illuminator lasers for shipboard defense. Because the system will be exceptionally compact, it will also be mechanically robust. LUCS will allow USPL users and researchers to monitor their system in ways previously unattainable. In addition, the extension of USPL diagnostics into the Short-Wave InfraRed (SWIR) and Mid-Wave InfraRed (MWIR) bands will facilitate laser and application development in the longer wavelength regions. This development will provide an increased understanding of the fundamentals of laser-matter interaction, which will benefit all USPL researchers.

LASER, Integrated Diagnostics, Ultra-short pulse, comprehensive pulse characterization, Ultra-Compact, spectrum measurement, phase extraction, Transportable