The advancements made in Additive Manufacturing (AM) in recent years suggest that, ultimately, this technology may provide a more cost-effective method of producing sonobuoy components than the methods currently employed. In this Phase I SBIR, Navmar Applied Sciences Corporation seeks to evaluate this prospect, assess existing and emerging production methods and materials, identify candidate sonobuoy parts for additive manufacturing, and ascertain when the use of AM technology may be economically feasible to support full-volume, high-rate production. Our goal in the performance of this SBIR project is to reduce sonobuoy weight and cost while improving performance. While AM may apply to a large number of sonobuoy components, the more complex and costly components may provide the best opportunity for innovative use of AM techniques and higher cost savings. In particular, NASC intends to study the application of AM to the fabrication of an improved DIFAR sensor. While NASC boasts a modest AM capability, our expertise lies primarily in development of expendable ocean systems and underwater acoustics. We will therefore solicit technical inputs from Fabrisonic and Solid State Ceramics, companies actively engaged in additive manufacturing, to leverage their production experience with metal components and piezoceramics, respectively, into the sonobuoy design.
Benefit: 1) Reduction in the cost of the AN/SSQ-53F sonobuoy. 2) Demonstration of the potential for the use of additive manufacturing in the fabrication of sonobuoy components. 3) Potential to develop new AM techniques that could be used in the manufacture of slotted cylinder projectors that operate at low frequencies. 4) Application of AM-produced tooling to reduce manufacturing costs. 5) Demonstration of the applicability of AM parts to prototype testing.
Keywords: AN/SSQ-53F, AN/SSQ-53F, Volume Manufacturing, 3D printing, DIFAR, additive manufacturing, Rapid Prototype, Sonobuoy