This proposal offers to create a proof of concept, scalable, hardware platform that demonstrates the interface interoperability requirements of Hardware Open System Technologies (HOST) Tier 1 and Tier 2 OpenVPX Core Technology Standards. It will address a variety of software platforms, both legacy and emerging, to include those conforming to the new Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) technical standards for an open military avionics environment. Phase I will analyze and define the requirements and propose an architecture for an open, modular, interoperable, scalable, upgradable, expandable, sustainable, reconfigurable, testable, and cost-effective prototype HOST System. The System will conform to the HOST standards within either the 6U or 3U OpenVPX form factors. Phase I will examine the full spectrum of potential HOST modules and architect the HOST System Software. If approved, Phase II of this project will address the implementation, test, and delivery of the Prototype System using commercial components where possible and custom components where necessary, which should include, as a minimum, single board computers (SBC) modules, high-speed data storage (SDD) modules, External Input/Output Transmission Interface (EIOTI) modules, Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) modules, and power supply (PS) modules, and will develop and integrate the full suite of HOST System Software components.
Benefit: Implement the HOST Standard, providing proof-of-concept prototype that demonstrates the HOST
Benefits: 1. Eliminates the high cost of vendor lock in computer system upgrades 2. Mitigates the impact of diminishing vendor supplies 3. Facilitates interoperability with any other HOST-compliant module 4. Lowers to cost and time for system upgrades 5. Scalable to meet mission configuration requirements by adding modules 6. The architecture is highly sustainable 7. Designed to allow free-market forces to maintain state-of-the-art supplies at minimal cost 8. HOST compliance is verifiable The future of Navy and DoD weapon systems upgrades will likely migrate to a HOST-conformant marketplace, making the potential commercial applications of this proof-of-concept technology highly marketable across the military and commercial aviation industries.
Keywords: sustainable, sustainable, OpenVPX Core Technology Standards, Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE), Scalable Aircraft Hardware Open System Technologies (HOST) Prototype, HOST System Software, UPGRADABLE, interoperable, Proof of concept